I noticed a strange feature: if the dishes in the title is the word "roll", the potential chef grustneet immediately - they say, and it is difficult and tedious, and in general, do not game worth the candle! Let cutlets better zababahaem and ruletnuyu stuffing as a side dish set.
Well... freestyle will, lazy - is not tasty!
I will tell you a secret: in fact, in the Rolls - that of meat, that fish that dough (the sources are endless) - no big deal. And time the production takes so much. But it turns out delicious - after filling permeates meat, its juices ennobles stuffing... Mmmm... a symphony!
And to write this symphony does not have to be a composer. Manage every possible taste. That's me - is possible. And I, too lazy even one.
Well, so do Chicken roulade with spinach and mushrooms?
• kilo of chicken breasts
• 4 spinach beam
• 300 grams of mushrooms
• 25-30 grams of semolina
• egg
• butter
• cream
• onion and garlic
• parsley and spices
Breast convert into minced meat, add to it egg and semolina, knead
Pripuskayut spinach in butter (because its taste and aroma becomes brighter, more saturated). At the very end add crushed garlic
Mushrooms fried with onions (and if you do not recognize the mushrooms, do not bother to write "shit recipe must be prepared exclusively with porcini mushrooms," Go and gather white mushrooms).
Now spread a foil, grease it with oil (not to mince sticking) and the roll out of its own farsh.yu
We spread it on the spinach, parsley sprinkled on top
And then - mushrooms. For mushrooms - cream.
Gently wrap and send it in the oven at 180 degrees for about one hour. The classic question of salt: Yes, ground beef should be salted. And mushrooms should salt the frying. How many? Taste!
Bon Appetit!