Turkish soup with chickpeas and celery: hearty and dietichno


Chickpea, it's almost like peas. Only the ram. Also called chickpeas, but I do not know whether it's right or not. Names so that you can get confused.

The main difference from the chick peas is the size of, well, and, of course, taste.

Peas - he was, pea. But the chick does not own a pronounced taste of chickpeas. If we look for analogues, you can find light nutty flavor in the cooked beans. And if you make of them mashed, it is the taste will remind native potatoes.

Paradoxical legumes, in short.

But they have one, of course, a great advantage (other than size).

This composition. Chickpeas - it will not only 9.9 grams of dietary fiber on the gram of product. Chickpeas - that's thirty percent of vegetable protein in the composition and fifty-five - carbohydrates.

Quality vegetable protein Nute approaches the quality of egg protein (here you can put a lot of exclamation marks), and carbohydrates in it exceptionally useful, slow. In short, eat - and grow thin.

Inspired? Then cook the soup. In the middle Turkish.


• Nut - 200-300 grams

• Celery - 5 stems

• Red Onion - 1.5 pc

• Garlic - 3 cloves

• Chicken or beef broth - 1 liter

• Parsley

• Salt pepper

• Olive oil

In this soup that important? The main time to soak the chickpeas. It is best in the evening - if you are using dried. You can take canned, but he did not like me because I take it dry.

First and foremost, do zazharku in olive oil. Fry the onion and garlic.

Then celery is added to them.

Broth... I kind of semi-finished. frozen. Semi-finished home-made long since adapted.

So I give the broth to melt, boil, go there chickpeas and vegetables.

We reserve supets stew half an hour, and then - if you like a "thicker" porazvaristey-ponavaristey then send half thick in a blender, add a punch there and back.

When serving decorate with sprigs of celery (waste-free production!) And prisyplem paprika.

Bon Appetit!

Well, remember his husky) and subscriptions, of course!

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