That treat... tomatoes?


Bright fruit tomatoes or tomatoes to put it simply - a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals, which help to fight many serious diseases.

Tomatoes have many of the most valuable health properties.

It is proved that the content of ascorbic acid and carotene fruits red and orange tomatoes, which in ancient times was called "love apples" surpass even these citrus fruits like lemon and orange.

Tomatoes have powerful prophylactic antiscorbutic properties, helping to prevent deficiency diseases, respiratory diseases, significantly strengthening the immune system.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins:

Group B (riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine)
niacin (PP)
rutin (R)
retinol (A)
tocopherol (E).


One glass of fresh tomato juice contains 0.5 daily dose keratin, vitamin C and other useful substances for the health.

That treat tomatoes?

The list will be extensive, but the most obvious therapeutic properties to combat:


Relatively recently, scientists have discovered another healing properties of lycopene - the pigment in large quantities contained in red tomatoes.

A new study, the antioxidant contributes to the restoration of blood vessels and arteries damaged due to cardiovascular diseases.

In this experiment involved more than 70 people - half of them were diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.

During long-term study, all volunteers were given a preparation containing lycopene or placebo ( "dummy" disguised drugs).

Those patients who received lycopene was recorded increase permeability of blood vessels by 53 percent.

Tomatoes and cancer

The researchers also found that the same lycopene reduces the risk of cancer, and is also very useful for men health, as hinders the process of prostate enlargement, to which many representatives of the stronger sex encounter after 40 years.

Tomatoes and hypertension

Cardiologists recommend that all the world have problems with heart, blood vessels and pressure - to drink during the day before eating 1 cup of tomato juice.
Desirably mixed with 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.
This same tool helps protect against glaucoma, stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves blood flow to the heart muscle.

Tomatoes and varicose veins

To get rid of the knots on the veins is recommended to take the green tomato and fresh cut lengthwise slice to attach to sites of varicose veins.
Hold until you feel tingling.
If you perform this procedure several times a day for 2 weeks or more, then the veins components gradually disappear.

Long-term consumption of canned tomato juice in combination with bread and / or potatoes can cause kidney stones and urinary bladder.
Eating canned, pickled and salted tomatoes doctors do not recommend at hypertension and renal diseases have been used as a preservative sodium salt.
Finally tomatoes contraindicated in those who suffer from gallstones.

Take care of yourself and do not get sick!

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