This simple vegetable helps to fight complex diseases.
Beetroot, common - than it is good for your health?
Since ancient times beet is used to treat the liver, heart and others.
It was grown before our era: in North Africa and in ancient Rome.
The beet juice contains many antioxidants and molecules that prevent the development of cancer.
Also studies have shown the benefit of beet for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Beet juice is rich in folic acid, vitamins B and the C, many minerals and nitrates, which are able to increase our productivity.
How to use beet juice to lower blood pressure?
It recommended daily drinking 100-150 ml beet juice for 1.5 hours before lunch or dinner. He reduces fatigue and increases productivity, improves digestion and helps blood vessels.
You can dAdds in beet juice various vegetables, such as lettuce, tomatoes, carrots. So the juice will not only reduce the pressure, but also takes the body a lot of vitamins and mineral substances.
If the beet juice Pour a little spice or to pour fruit juice, you get a more interesting and pleasant taste.
For example, the perfect combination of apple and ginger. Last perfectly tones blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and helps to stimulate digestion.
That the pressure has not risen sharply, it is necessary to drink at a large glass of beet juice immediately after physical activity, hard work. For example, after the work in the garden, or cleaning.
Beet juice once a day is effective for rehydration of the body saturation minerals and relieving pain in muscles, improve blood circulation and to maintain blood pressure within norm.
How to use the beet juice in oncology
The main component of the beetroot juice useful in the treatment of cancer, is a betaine.
This is a coloring substance belonging to a group of plant polyphenols.
When injected into the patient's body, betaine acts on aggressive cancer cells, contributing to their destruction.
With regular use of beet juice in cancer patients there are such positive developments:
- Stihanie painful process;
- Normalization of hemoglobin;
- Improvement of appetite;
- Total body toning;
- Reducing the level of intoxication.
In the case of using beet juice as a means to treat cancer, it is often observed in patients with a significant reduction in the size of onkoobrazovaniya.
Rules of reception beet juice in oncology:
Drink the juice should be regularly and on a daily basis.
Beet juice for the treatment of cancer is accepted strictly through the same period of time.
Juice fasting is necessary to use.
Fresh beet juice can not drink!
After pressing it should stand in an open container in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. Thus there is a removal of toxic volatile substances, which are part of the product.
If you have a very sensitive stomach, before use of the product can be mixed with oatmeal.
The maximum daily dose for an adult beet juice is 600 ml.
This amount should be divided into 4-6 receptions.
Drinking beetroot juice is recommended to slightly warmed.
Eating can be after 15-30 minutes after the juice.
beet juice is required to dilute or purified boiled water in proportions of 1: 1.
Juice drink should be small sips, long holding liquid in the oral cavity.
How to use beet juice for cleansing the liver
Beet juice is very effective for liver treatment.
According to the famous old folk recipes, need a fresh beet juice or a mixture thereof with radish juice and apple in equal proportions.
This mixture should drink 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.
liver cleansing course of beet juice by 5 days but not more than two weeks.
Be careful if you have kidney stones, or you are suffering from diabetes, gastritis and ulcers of the digestive tract!
In this case, the beet juice is contraindicated!
Take care of yourself!
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