Love for cottage cheese casserole I have kept from my childhood. I remember when waking up in the village with my grandmother and fled in the afternoon. Because in the afternoon most of my grandmother cooked cottage cheese casserole.
When I came home and asked my mother to cook the same. How many recipes it may have tried, none have been very similar to the casserole. Even when my grandmother gave my mother a book on which she was cooking, the taste still was not the same one.
Years later, I understood why. And mother and grandmother prepared from identical ingredients. But my grandmother all the products bought from private owners in the village. It turns out that the secret ingredient - a rustic products?
But where can I get farm products, if I live in the city? Market me near there, and to go each time to distant lands, when he wants casseroles, quite expensive.
I began to search the Internet, but finding exactly country products proved difficult. I came across a site farm with pickup or shopping with delivery, but without the farmers' products.
My search was a success - I found a website "eat Rustic"- service for the delivery of rural products, which works directly with farmers.
To test their hypothesis, whether casserole of rural products obtained tastier, I decided to buy all the ingredients they do. By ordering through "eat Rustic"I was worried about the composition of products. Therefore, when he received the order, first check the composition.
Worried in vain, all the products are made according to GOST, but for me it is an indicator of quality and what I trust. By the way, if you finish reading the article until the end, then you will be waiting there with a discount promotion code.
Cottage cheese 300g
Semolina or flour 32 g
32 g sugar
Egg 20 g or 1 piece
40g raisins
Butter 20 gr
Vanilla sugar 4 g
A pinch of salt
As sauce
Sour cream or condensed milk 80g
Cooking method
Curd forced through a sieve. You can break through the blender, most importantly give it a soft and airy texture.
By the curd add the remaining ingredients, except eggs and sour cream. To separate the white from the yolk and send in a separate container.
Half yolk was added to the curd mass and mixed until uniform.
To pour protein pinch of salt and whip whisk in a thick foam.
The beaten albumen and raisins add to the bulk and mixed.
Spread cottage cheese into a mold greased with butter and floured. Leveling the surface of the scapula.
The remaining yolk mixed with 2 teaspoons of sour cream and evenly absorb future casserole.
Bake in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 ° C. Do not worry, after cooling casserole settles, as it should be.
I love it when a cold casserole, but can be fed and warm. As the sauce in the original recipe, suggest the use of the cream. But as I ordered in "Eat Rustic" condensed milk farm, decided to taste it.
The taste is like a child. It turns out that my hypothesis was correct - of farm products is really tasty.
Especially for our readers, I begged, "Eat Rustic" bonus. According to the promotional code "BUNBICH"You will get a discount of 500 rubles. To place an order, go to the website "eat Rustic”.