5 popular in different countries pies with apples


If you think that the most famous apple pie - a pie, you are partly right. Charlotte is incredibly popular in Russia and the former Soviet Union. And what is made from apples in other countries? Let's investigate.

Today I want to tell you about apple pies, which have become famous not only at home, but also around the world.

And what apple pie is your favorite? Tell us about it in the comments.

1. Russian charlotte

My version of the Russian pie with a crispy crust. A link to the recipe will leave at the end of the article
My version of the Russian pie with a crispy crust. A link to the recipe will leave at the end of the article

apple pie popular in our country initially did not like was the fact that we are now accustomed to cooking. Charlotte prepared from Savoiardi pastry and custard.

Our usual apple pie appeared in Stalin's time, and at first was called "Russian grandmother". Charlotte as it became known, as it was similar to the German apple pie (see. point 3).

2. American apple pie

American apple pie. Outside, crisp dough, inside - apples. Photos - Yandex. Images
American apple pie. Outside, crisp dough, inside - apples. Photos - Yandex. Images

Shortbread dough breeze (chopped) and a lot of apples. That's the whole secret of the popular US apple pie. Apparently, because of its simplicity and the cake was the people's love.

This cake is served in the United States everywhere. From roadside eateries and MacDonalds and ending expensive Michelin restaurants.

Make repost itself to the wall so as not to lose the article!

3. German apple pie

German apple pie. Instead of the test - the usual bread. Photos - Yandex. Images
German apple pie. Instead of the test - the usual bread. Photos - Yandex. Images

Germans - the people and saving your apple pie prepared from the remnants of bread. The dried bread soaked in egg mixture and laid into the mold. For the filling sliced ​​apples, then coated with "egg bread" and bake.

In pre-revolutionary times of the Germans in Russia lived quite a lot, and the Russian was called the German ladies - Charlotte. Therefore, apple pie called charlotte.

4. Charlotte in Dutch

Dutch apple pie is usually served with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream. Photos - Yandex. Images
Dutch apple pie is usually served with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream. Photos - Yandex. Images

The Dutch version of apple pie is somewhat similar to American Pie. Only on the basis of preparing dough. In the filling, in addition to apples, included raisins and cinnamon. A bottom dough to not elapsed from apple juice, it is sprinkled with breadcrumbs or deposited a thin layer of biscuit.

5. Bulgarian apple pie "3 glasses"

Bulk Bulgarian apple pie "3 glasses". Photos - Yandex. Images
Bulk Bulgarian apple pie "3 glasses". Photos - Yandex. Images

I think that the Bulgarian version of the apple pie was invented by a very lazy person. Pie "3 glasses" - the laziest of all that I know.

Its very easy to prepare and do not even need anything to shake up. Cake consists of several layers of dough and apples.

Apple pie recipe in my blog:

Pie with a crisp and juicy apples
Bulgarian Pie 3 cups

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