Treatment of potato juice: what and how to apply


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Diseases of the stomach, liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract - and it is not a complete list of diseases and conditions for which the help of potato juice. How to properly prepare and apply later in the article.

What is so useful in conventional potatoes?

Potatoes - a product available in every home.

For a modest view of root hides many valuable qualities.
Especially useful for health potato juice.
Why? It turns the potato juice can cure most of the diseases of the digestive system, improve skin, help with diabetes and fibroids, it perfectly cleans the liver, with the poisoning and may even strengthen hair.

Let's see how to drink potato juice, which can be limited and health benefits

Potato juice - use of the composition and effects on the body

The potato juice restrain:

vitamins, PP, C, H, E;
digestible carbohydrates;
macro elements: chlorine, magnesium, and sulfur, phosphorus, potassium;
trace elements: aluminum, cobalt, iodine, lithium, molybdenum, boron, selenium, vanadium, zinc bit fluorine;
amino acids;
fatty acid.

In the treatment of some diseases of potato juice is superior to all other vegetable and fruit juices.

Actions potato juice on the human body:

Wound healing

Thus, the potato juice - is a huge arsenal of possibilities for the treatment of the body.

It is indispensable for the stomach. It is used in the treatment of many pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
Useful juice and skin diseases, problems of the musculoskeletal system, in the fight against certain infectious diseases.

Potato juice is effective in treating the rash on the face and body skin, removing warts.

The main indications for the purpose of potato juice are:

Ulcerative bowel disease accompanied by increased acidity.
Inflammation in the joints (arthritis, rheumatism, and others.).
Steady bloating and cramping in the intestine.
Gout and other reasons increasing uric acid.
Constipation, with the exception of intestinal obstruction.
Violations of the genitourinary system.
High cholesterol.

Treatment of potato juice: we cook and eat properly

Potato juice is recommended to take small portions, so you need to prepare little by little.
Important! Juice used only healthy, well-washed tubers. The skin does not need to be removed, because it has more minerals. If there is a darkening of the skin, they should be sure to cut.

It is very important to use in food and juice for fries with a green color. It contains solanine, which relates to poisons.

How to extract the juice from the potatoes?

Potatoes can grate, and then, using a strainer or cheesecloth, to get the juice.
Or cut into slices and lay the tubers in a juicer.
Way to squeeze the juice on the therapeutic effect is not affected.

Important! Potato juice useful for only a few minutes after cooking.
Therefore, the main rule of treatment: squeeze the juice and drink immediately.
It is better to drink potato juice on an empty stomach or long before the meal.

It must stir well to the settled starch "rose", and drink.
The taste of it is not very pleasant, and if there are no contraindications, you can sweeten it with honey or diluted with other juices such as carrot or cucumber.

Potato juice Contraindications:

Complications of diabetes.
Aggravation of hemorrhoids.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Constipation unspecified nature.
Aggravation of pancreatitis.
It is unacceptable to drink potato juice with low acidity. It actively suppresses the formation of hydrochloric acid, however in this case can be applied to heavy damage to the patient's health.
Due to the high concentration of starch potato juice is not recommended to be used in the last stages of obesity.
Juice also has a detrimental effect on dental health, so if you have tooth enamel in a bad use of this juice is better to limit, or drink it through a straw.

The dosage regimen

Juice of potatoes to drink for the prevention and general health. For this purpose, fresh juice is used on an empty stomach or one hour before a meal in an amount of 30-50 ml of juice three times a day, then the dose is adjusted to 100 ml per serving.

If improvement occurs and wherein the potato juice well perceived by the body, the dose can be increased to 150 ml.

Duration of treatment course is 20-27 days.
After a two-week break, the treatment can be resumed.

Under the same scheme adopted potato juice in gastric ulcer and bowel, pancreatitis, pancreatic tumors and uterine fibroids.

To clean enough liver 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach take 2-3 tbsp. l. potato juice for 2 weeks.

Take care of yourself!

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