To jam was stored for a long time and does not crystallize, use these three tips. Poorly closed lid - the most popular reason.
When I was just starting to cook the jam, the first few batches crystallize after a couple of months.
To avoid such failures, I analyzed his work. Found mistakes that I made. Today, I share them with you, I hope this will help you avoid my mistakes.
long cooking
If the jam boil for longer than required, increasing the concentration of sugar in it. The amount of liquid drops, and the sugar begins to crystallize. To avoid this, you need to follow the recipe and cook it in the specified time.
This usually happens because they do not all know how to check the readiness of the jam. Therefore, cook it a little longer, so it is ready for sure. Here are 3 ways, how to check the readiness of the jam.
Put more sugar than the recipe
If you add in a jam too much sugar, it will lead to the effect of digestion of the jam. That is, the concentration of sugar at once is too high, and in the process of cooking liquid evaporates and the sugar becomes too much.
Use the amount of sugar, which is specified in the recipe. If you like take liberties, be prepared for the fact that something is going to be different than intended.
air access
If bad to close the lid on a jar of jam, then air will flow there, which will gradually dry the jam. Moisture will go, and jam candy.
To avoid this, it should be tight-fitting lid during pouring jam.
Now that you know how to make jam, so it does not crystallize. Perhaps I have not remembered all the reasons why the jam candy. If you know more, please tell us about them in the comments.
What to remember:
✔ It is not necessary to boil the jam longer allotted time
✔ Follow the recipe and do not add more sugar than it states
✔ Tightly close the lid on the jar of jam
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