As I harvested jam gooseberry pitted. Recipe for quick jam, which is stored without refrigeration


I'm sure many have heard about the royal gooseberry jam. There made all the bones taken out with the help of pins. But I'm not willing to waste their time for hours picking out the seeds.

Jam turns thick. Photos - Yandex. Images
Jam turns thick. Photos - Yandex. Images

Once I was given a machine to clean the berries and fruits, and now she's my best friend. What is this beast, I have already said, a reference to the article is left in the end. To get rid of stones in the gooseberry, I resorted to her aid.

I will not delay the entry, proceed to cooking.

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Cooking method

1 kg of puree gooseberry
700 g sugar
15 g agar


Gooseberries are washed and rubbed through the machine to clean the berries and fruits. If there are no such machines, it is possible to break through the blender and rub through a sieve. In a separate container, mix the sugar with agar-agar.


Gooseberry Puree send in a saucepan and put on fire. Mass bring to the boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat.

Pour immediately all the sugar with agar-agar and mix. Jam need to mix well to combine with gooseberry agar-agar.

Jam post on medium heat and bring to the boil again. After boiling again boil 5 minutes. pulping step is completed.


Another hot jam poured into sterilized jars and lids close. The hot jam will be liquid, but when cooled begins to thicken.

At long storage tidy banks with jam in a dark place, I have this closet. I keep 12 months, although it can stand longer, but I do not stay long.

Here's a jam I turned
Here's a jam I turned

On a note:

Article about the car for cleaning of fruits and berries
3 method sterilized cans

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