While they were visiting their parents wife, watched as mother-in-law is preparing another version of the bulk of the cake. This cake she calls "Strugal". Why so, I did not ask if you know the history of this cake, write in the comments.
I have not had time to take photos of the process, while going up from the table, it has already collected the cake and send it in the oven. But the pictures here and do not need, and all so very simple.
While the cake baked, mother-in-law shared tips on how better to bake this cake, I will leave at the end of the article.
1 kg of apples
Flour B / C 2 cups
Sugar 300g
Butter 150 g
Egg 1 pc
Soda 0.5 teaspoon
Cooking method
First, mother-in-law removed butter in the freezer. Then proceed to the processing of apples, cored and rubbed on a coarse grater.
When the apple was finished, mother-in-law rubbed frozen oil at the same grater, add flour and baking soda and stir until crumbs hands of education.
Egg is divided into white and yolk. Protein and a half of sugar whipped to a foam, almost like for meringue and set aside. By the second half of the yolk is added sugar, stir whisk until smooth and stir in flour.
Slightly more than half of the dough poured on the bottom of the silicone mold (approximately 24-26 cm in diameter). Then go all out apple filling. Spatula distributed from top to beaten egg whites and sprinkled crumbs leftovers.
Cake sent baked in a preheated 200 ° C oven. According to my calculations, the cake bake for about 40-50 minutes. Willingness to check the dry top layer, it should redden.
Mother-in-law gave the cake to cool down just 3-5 minutes, he shifted to the dish and serve. My wife and I could not resist and tried it still hot and it was very tasty. I later added on top of a little vanilla ice cream and it was even tastier.
Tips from Tiffany
✔ By apples can add a teaspoon of cinnamon, if you just apples are already tired.
✔ First whisk the protein, then only the yolk. If you do the opposite, it will whisk in the yolk and the protein is not vzobetsya in meringue. Or it is necessary to thoroughly wash and dry the whisk.
✔ flour with oil can penetrate into crumbs in a food processor with the blade attachment, then oil grate is not required.
✔ It is best to bake the silicone or split form, it will be easier to extract the finished cake.
Recently I published a recipe bulk of the cake, which is also spied at Tiffany's, it's called «3 cups», can be read here.
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