Cooking homemade candies "Bird's milk". For the preparation takes only 30 minutes.
My favorite among the cakes, which can be prepared very quickly. But today, we will make a variation in the form of candy. The process of preparing the bird's milk consists of 3 stages. The first - the preparation oil cream, the second - the preparation of sugar syrup third - beating meringue. Preparation of this dessert even though it looks complicated, actually it is not. Just follow my recipe and you all must succeed. If you have any questions, leave out in the comments, I will give the answer.
All the necessary ingredients you will find in the end.
Cooking method
First beat butter and cream together with strawberry puree. It should get a creamy and smooth. We put aside.
sugar syrup
The high saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom, sleeps agar - agar, sugar and water. Set on fire and bring to 110 degrees, stirring constantly, so that nothing is burnt. If you do not have a thermometer proceed as follows.
It is necessary to bring the syrup to a thick state, syrup must reach a uniform stream.
Once the boiled sugar syrup, proteins set with citric acid whipped at medium speed. By the time the syrup reaches the finished state, the proteins must be heaved state to a light foam. The syrup is prepared, giving cool slightly before disappearance of bubbles and continuing whipping proteins pouring a thin stream of syrup, after adding raise the speed to the maximum. Beat until light but stable peaks.
assembly together
When the meringue is ready, change on the mixer nozzle to "shovel" and mix until smooth mass, literally 30-40 seconds. If you have a hand mixer stir the mixture with a conventional blade.
Pour the mixture into a rectangular shape of 16 x 32. If you, as I have a form without a bottom, it should be put on the form of a silicone mat. We give a bird's milk to stabilize, at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.
When the bird's milk stabilized cut it into cubes and doused with melted chocolate. If you do not want to pour chocolate cubes can sprinkle with powdered sugar or icing of freeze-dried strawberries.
Since the bird's milk contains butter, then it should be stored in the refrigerator.
Butter 165 gr
Cream 33% and up to 70 gr
Puree of strawberry (or other mashed berries) 30 c
100g protein (~ 3 protein eggs C1)
Citric acid 1 g
sugar syrup
Sugar 390 gr
Water 230 g
Agar 8 g
Dark chocolate 200g
Vegetable oil 30 g
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