What is "simit" and why he loves the whole Turkey.


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Simit - the most popular biscuit in Istanbul, and probably in the whole of Turkey. Preparing quick and easy at home.

Recipe popular bun Turkish simit
Recipe popular bun Turkish simit

Simit sold on every corner in any store, and any time of day.

Shop street vendor simit
Shop street vendor simit

The cost of one bun in Istanbul range 1-1.75 liras that at the current rate of about 12 - 20 rubles. Bun is though simple but the variations of its filling - million. In this recipe I cook 10 simit and turned the cost of 59 rubles. And the cost of a total of 5.9 rubles.

Turkish bakers baked for 1 time 60 simit
Turkish bakers baked for 1 time 60 simit
Ingredients for cooking are at the end of the article.

A method for preparing simit buns

1. Salt, sugar, yeast, pour the warm milk and water and give it brew for 15 minutes, the yeast started to work.

Milk can be replaced by water, as the water in the milk, works both ways.

2. Add the sifted flour and knead into a stationary mixer with paddle-type "hook" for 5 minutes or work with your hands, then kneading takes 10-15 minutes.

The dough should have elastic and a little sticky.

3. After kneading the dough cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 45 minutes.

The dough rise at a rate of about 2-2.5 times.

4. Sprinkle the table with flour and divide the dough into 10 balls. Each individually punched and put aside.

5. After obminki each ball is rolled out into a sausage, and then folded into two and twisted into a pigtail. The coupling and the junction roll out on the table to our future simit not collapsed.

6. In a separate bowl combine pekmez with water and stir until uniform. Simit dip into the liquid and then immediately rolled in toasted sesame.

Choose dishes for dipping and obvalivaniya so that simit placed there without a crease.

What can replace pekmez? Inherently pekmez is boiled 10 times grape juice, that is, in this recipe, it gives a little sweetness. It can therefore be none at all, just a dip in the water, or make a syrup of honey or sugar, at your discretion. I have prepared themselves for the sugar water (4 tbsp. spoons of sugar + water).

7. Spread the dough on the laid baking parchment and send baked in a preheated 200 ° oven for 17-25 minutes.

Baking time depends on how soft or crisp simit you want. I love the crispy, so bake 22 minutes.

8. We take out of the oven and give the biscuits to cool and then fed to the table.

Step by step recipe for muffins Turkish simit
Step by step recipe for muffins Turkish simit

Simit easily cut in half, and it can be filled with chocolate paste, cheese, smoked fish, or make any sandwich. Bun very versatile in this regard.

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Ingredients for muffins simit

100 g vegetable oil

100g of warm milk

200 g of warm water

5 g dry yeast (not rapid)

1 h. salt spoon

2 tbsp. spoons of sugar

500 grams of flour

5 tablespoons pekmeza (being replaced by written in the recipe above)

100 g water

200-300 grams of sesame

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