As skills confectioner helped me to put the tiles. The first experience of repair.


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The story of how I changed the tiles in the bathroom and as I helped the pastry skills in this matter.

My wife is very sensitive about cleaning and see if somewhere in the dirt, she immediately removes it. Recently, she was faced with the problem that can not wash bath in the corners, as in the corners of plastic corner mounted.

Area, which was established
Area, which was established

She once missed this place when cleaning, for the second time and third time, broke down and revealed the corners, the benefit they are removable and can then return to place. Removing the corners, she discovered that through the rubber plug into the unknown corners of the bathroom is leaking water.

And where water lingers for a long time, so rot, fungus and various junk life.

It was decided to replace all the angled design to something more secure. I tiles had never laid and there was not any construction experience. After searching for information on the Internet and the test boards have decided that the best way would be to replace the old plastic corners on the ceramic.

To begin, we removed all the old structure, which was also not easy. Frame on which are mounted the corners were fastened with screws, which on contact with water had rust and had to try to remove them.

Scheme of the work
Scheme of the work

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When all was ready, I degrease the surface and prepared to lay tile. The distance between the tiles and the corner bath with a mixture of grout decided that there was no place where she could stay wet.

Grout had to be laid at an angle of 45 °, to lay down the corners of ceramic layer directly on the grout. To make this work, and certainly do not apply constantly tile, I found here is the solution.

I took a pastry spatula made of plastic and measure all the angles that I cut off the excess. Now I had just put the grout into the corner and then just align the number with a spatula, and a balancing cream on cakes I know first-hand experience and in this I have a big one.

Confectionery spatula prepared for laying tiles.
Confectionery spatula prepared for laying tiles.

So leveling grout me it was easy.

Grout laid at an angle of 45 degrees
Grout laid at an angle of 45 degrees

The next day, we lit tile adhesive and again using a cream application technique I oiled tile adhesive solution.

Laid on the tile adhesive tile
Laid on the tile adhesive tile

The last stage - the application of grout into the cracks between the tiles and the corners did have a spouse and turned her perfectly.

The result of the work we were satisfied, the water does not flow anywhere else and you can not worry about that somewhere is formed fungus.

The final stage. Reinstall gap grout.
The final stage. Reinstall gap grout.
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