How to whisk whites for meringue? Secrets, tips and errors


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How to Beat the whites into a thick foam mixer? Why not whipped whites with sugar? This article will discuss how to work with proteins that they have always been beaten.

I continue a series of articles on how to properly deal with various products.
Previous articles look here:
How to whip cream.

If you are interested in items such as the right to work with certain products - place huskies, so I understand that this format is really interesting and you'll be writing more of these materials.


The main mistake is the use of dirty dishes. Capacity and beaters must be dry and clean, if you previously whipped brooms, something greasy, wipe them with a cloth moistened with distilled spirits.

Another common mistake is use the protein, which got a little egg yolk. The yolk is fat, and fat does not give whipped egg white, egg yolk if you have it not in your vzobetsya protein.

No less common mistake is to start whipping the proteins immediately at high speed. Once you have extracted the protein from the egg it is similar to jelly and we have to destroy the structure before whipping. To do this, start whisking on low speed until the bubbles.

The main mistakes I have described, and now I'll tell you how to shake up the proteins so that they were beat out in a good and thick foam.

To whip the whites into a thick foam mixer, follow these rules. All crockery used should be clean and dry, if you choose to ignore these conditions, you can easily scroll up and read where it leads.

the nuances

fresh eggs should be used.

Separate whites and yolks one by one over a separate bowl, and then to shift into a container for whipping, if you will fall a bad egg will not hurt anyone else.

Blender for whipping is not suitable, but if there is a whisk, you can use it.

There are 3 kinds of meringue, meringues or which can be prepared from whipping proteins. Help collect 30 likes this article and I will post the recipe for their preparation.


Separate the yolks from the protein convenient for you, with a fork, remove the flagellum. Begin protein whipping at low speed mixer, Until the bubbles at this point of the protein structure and can be collapsed to increase the speed. Gradually increase the speed to mediumYou can whip up on high, but it is better to spend a little more time, but to get a reliable result.

When proteins plumped fluffy foam before starting to gradually add sugarNot all at once, and parts. After adding the sugar, beat us to the desired state.

Soft spikes are suitable, if you will continue to mix the whites with the yolks and make a biscuit, stiff peaks or "bird's beak" - for meringue and cream.

I am a pastry chef, not a writer. I'm just learning to write. Put huskies, subscribe and share the recipe with your friends.

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