Treat pancreatitis in the home, remove vosspalenie and eliminate the pain on their own!


If you "grab" and there was a pain in the pancreas, these home methods can help really quickly.

Traditional methods of treating pancreatitis are to use herbs and prescriptions based on the broth, jelly or juice of the available components.
The action of such methods and recipes tested by generations.

When treating drugs and folk remedies remission effect lasts for a longer time and even reduces the load on the body.

Flax seeds

How to cook: 3 tbsp seeds pour into a thermos and fill with boiling water. Thermos close and clean infuse overnight.
In the morning the mixture was shake and filter.
Kissel take before meals for half an hour at 100-150 ml 3 times a day.
To achieve visible and lasting effect to make during
3 weeks.


Ground chicory is recommended to use as a drink before or after a meal.
One teaspoon of brewed chicory powder per cup of water.
The freshly brewed tea add milk in a small amount and 0.5 teaspoons of chicory.
Sugar may be in a minimum amount.
It is best to consistently use food chicory powder, and then bouts of pancreatitis will not.

royal jelly

The best way to apply royal jelly - absorption in the mouth under the tongue.
This speeds up the absorption of useful components in blood.
At night you can take no more than 100g. milk.
The dosage and method - 1 tbsp. l. spoon 3 times a day.

The treatment course of 8 to 12 weeks after should take a break for 4 weeks.


Glass grain oats rinse and fill in a thermos.
Pour boiling water up to the top.
Leave to infuse a thermos overnight.
Morning to filter liquid and take 0.5 cup 2 times per day.


Dried leaves grind in a coffee grinder to a fine powder. Boil 1 tbsp. l. peppermint powder in 500 ml of boiling water for 1 hour.

It is recommended to drink 100 grams. 2 times a day during the week.

Also used chamomile.

Important! Any self-treatment or the use of recipes of traditional medicine should be used after consultation with a doctor.

People's Councils and medicine should not completely replace conventional medical treatment.

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