Preparing quick and easy!
Let's start with the dough in the bowl, I have 300 grams of flour.
I add a teaspoon of salt incomplete. Mix well.
I drive a 1 egg and pour 120 ml of water. I knead the dough first shovel, and then his hands.
Dough should gather into a ball.
I turn the dough on the table and povymeshivayu another 5 minutes.
The dough is put away in a bag and is set aside for 15-20 minutes, the dough will be softer, air.
And while'll stuffing. Filling most simple, but very juicy and tasty.
I 250g mixed minced meat (beef and pork) and 250 grams of zucchini youthful (I did not cleanse the skin).
Zucchini is rubbed on a coarse grater.
In the tavern will remove excess moisture: salt, mix and set aside for a few minutes.
Onion cut into thin half-rings. I add a pinch of sugar and salt and thoroughly shake hands.
Minced slightly Salts, add black pepper and a little minced spicy chili pepper.
I send onion mince. I wring your hands zucchini from the liquid and also send to the stuffing.
Stirred and filling is ready!
Returning to the test. Table and grease dough with oil.
For convenience, divide the dough in half, so it would be easier to roll out.
Half of the test is rolled into a thin cake. Cake grease with vegetable oil, so the dough can pull your hands and make even thinner.
dough sheeting process is better to see once in this video:
I fold the dough like so ...
Spread half of the filling as in the photo.
I am covering the free ends of the filling test.
Cut with a knife on the triangles.
The same procedure is repeated with the remaining dough and filling.
I warm up a frying pan and lightly grease with vegetable oil. And fry patties over medium heat on each side, make sure the lid.
Cake obtained fragrant, soft, flaky, with juicy meat filling. Bon Appetit!
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300 grams of flour
3/4 tsp salt
1 egg
120 ml water
250g minced
250 g zucchini
1 onion
salt, pepper, hot chili
vegetable oil