Secrets of the perfect aspic: so that it turns out transparent, tight and does not melt


Holidays are coming soon. What is a New Year's table without aspic?!

It doesn't matter what you will have it - fish, tongue or meat. The main thing is to follow the rules and follow the recipe. And these secrets will help you with this.

Secrets of the perfect aspic: so that it turns out transparent, tight and does not melt

Secret number 1 - aspic is not jellied meat!

And it is right! Jellied meat is always boiled from scraps, leftovers and unnecessary pieces. For example, from pig ears or tails with legs.

And aspic... Mmmm... This is a completely different story. This dish is not just a festive one, it is a banquet one! And making the right aspic is the pinnacle of the culinary art of Russian cuisine.

Therefore, delicious types of fish, meat fillets and tongues are chosen for him. It is always beautifully decorated and served as a signature dish of the hostess of a dinner or a restaurant chef.

Important! To make jellied you happy, surprised and delighted your guests, do not use the same products for its preparation as for jellied meat.
You can't skimp on ingredients in this dish!

Secret # 2 - time

Aspic is a transparent meat or fish broth frozen in dense jelly that covers the perfect pieces of meat or fish. To prepare such a broth, you need to properly cook these same fish and meat.

"... Well, disgusting, your aspic fish ...". Remember that?

So that your aspic, and even more so from fish, is not disgusting, do as follows:

1. For jellied fish, you need a head and tails. But always with fish pulp.

Pour everything with cold water and cook for exactly 40 minutes - we need stickiness in the broth, which means the weakest heat and barely noticeable boil.

Do not salt!

Separately, in a small amount of water (0.5 cm higher), boil fish fillets without bones and skin. You can already cut it into pieces. About 10 minutes. But no more than 15-20 minutes.

It can and should be seasoned with salt, pepper and spices / onions / carrots. Cool the fillet in the broth, remove the heads and tails from the second broth and strain it twice.

Do not overcook broths!

2. Meat aspic is cooked from a lean piece of young beef, lean pork, chicken or turkey breasts. It is desirable that it be a fillet or fillet in a whole piece.

Cook until tender with spices, onions and carrots. Do not salt!

The tongue should cool in the broth itself, the meat can be removed. Cooking time depends on the size of the piece. But not 2 hours!

Secret # 3 - transparent and tight

Making the broth clear is not difficult. To do this, strain it twice, then heat until hot with peppercorns, bay leaves and sprigs of herbs.

Remove the broth from the heat and immediately pour the whipped raw egg white into it in a thin stream.

The latter will curl up into white flakes or shavings, which can be easily removed by re-filtering. The broth will be 100% transparent!

Now it needs to be salted and combined with good quality gelatin, dissolved in advance according to the instructions on the pack.

Important! For a tight aspic, place the molds or a flat dish in the freezer in advance for about 30 minutes.

Then take out, pour a thin layer of already barely warm broth with gelatin onto the bottom of the molds and put it in the freezer for a couple of minutes.

We take out and quickly lay out beautiful slices of boiled tongue or pieces of fish fillet / meat on the thinnest layer of jelly. Pour in a neat thin layer of broth and for another 3 minutes in the freezer.

By this time, everything will grasp well and harden. Now you need to act like this: lay out the decorations and pour parts of the broth, which will immediately solidify into a mirror sheet.

Leave the dish with aspic on the table for 30 minutes, and then move it to an empty shelf in the refrigerator. Before filing!

And now a tip so that your aspic should not melt on the festive table.

Do not spare gelatin! This is the same broth, only very concentrated and dried. Better less broth itself and more gelatin solution. Strain both for transparency!
Always serve your jellied dish at the very last moment and set it away from hot dishes, but closer to salads and cold cuts. There he belongs!
Another trick is to free up space on the table in advance and put something cold on it. You can use a piece of meat from the freezer or a pre-frozen battery for a cooler bag. Then remove, and in a cold place - jellied.

And it will never melt even in 3 hours. Although it will not stay with you for so much, as the guests eat it in the first 30 minutes of the banquet. Proven!

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