Why is it dangerous to give up fat while losing weight and what to do in order not to harm yourself.


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Good day everyone.

Let's talk about fats?

Anyone who wants to lose weight is afraid of fats, and not those that have accumulated in their body, but those that are contained in food. And they limit themselves in all possible ways, exclude fats from the diet.

They do not eat oil, either animal or vegetable, they buy low-fat products.

But fat has its own roles in our body. And some of the most important are energy and plastic.

The intake of the required amount of fat in the body is the condition of our hair, nails, skin.

The most important thing is our hormones, girls, depend on fats.

And if we look even more broadly at fats, then we find out that without fats, our body receives less from food many vitamins vital to him, since they are dissolved and processed using fat.

With a diet containing only 10-15% fat, there will simply be a shortage of fat-soluble vitamins!

And fat-soluble vitamins include such important for us as: A, D, E, K.

What will we get as a result of the lack of these vitamins?

Disadvantage vitamin AA is the first sign - "night blindness".

Vitamin deficiencyD - it is depression and loss of strength; problems with conception; diabetes and obesity (Vitamin D helps lower parathyroid hormone, which helps weight loss in the long term); muscle weakness; osteoporosis.

VitaminE Is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. A very necessary vitamin for us.

Just like vitaminK, which increases blood clotting, reduces capillary permeability and improves tissue regeneration.

So what do we get as a result of cutting fat in the diet?

Not fast weight loss. But there are a lot of problems in the body.

And I went through a similar thing, made a mistake while losing weight and cut my fats to 30g per day. In the end, what did I get? Dry skin, brittle nails, hair fell (just awful)! I came to my senses well in time and did not go far.

However, too much fat will bring some problems.

And first of all, it is a violation of the digestive processes.

So, bile does not have time to process all the fat coming from food.

The assimilation of protein is deteriorating, and protein is the main building material for our body, fat metabolism is disrupted.

No need to rush to extremes - everything is good in moderation. Fats are simply necessary for us, but they must enter the body in moderation. Everything needs balance.

How to determine how much fat is needed? In each specific case, this figure will be different, since it depends on many factors: age, physical activity, health status.

There are averaged formulas by which you can calculate the required amount of fat for an adult.

On average, a person whose weight is within the normal range is recommended 1-1.5 g of fat per kilogram of body weight.

Overweight and obese people are recommended 0.7-0.8 g per kilogram of weight. However, women should not lower their fats below 55-60 g in order to avoid hormonal disorders and their consequences, and also not to worsen their appearance.

Once again I want to remind you that we are not getting better from fat, but from excess calories.

For comfortable weight loss, it is important to observe calorie deficit and balance of PROTEINS, FATS, CARBOHYDRATES.

Take care of yourself and your health!

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Sources of illustrations http://i-hostess.ru/1359-kakie-zhiry-polezny-organizmu.html, https://vplate.ru/kosmeticheskie-masla/dlya-volos-harakteristika/, https://infourok.ru, https://gastrogid.ru


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