One of my favorite breakfasts


Good day everyone!

Pies! Hot pies! And most importantly - pies that you can lose weight!

We count calories and enjoy our favorite dishes.

I myself have been counting calories for almost two years and have already lost 59 kilograms. I started to lose weight from 132 kg which I ate in a vicious circle of diets, hunger strikes, breakdowns.

But for the second year already, the weight is slowly going away, and I eat tasty, satisfying and quite happy with myself and my diet. I forgot about hard diets!

Today I want to share with you the simplest recipe for pies in crispy pita bread with various fillings.

Why pies? I just don't know what else to call this simplest treat. And what's the difference what to call - the main thing is that it is delicious!

This is a quick and delicious breakfast for the whole family!

I made one ham and cheese patty and 3 egg and onion patties.

✅For the pies, I needed the following ingredients:

  • Armenian lavash (thin) 160 -180g approximately,
  • 3 boiled eggs,
  • a bunch of green onions,
  • ham (I have homemade chicken) - 45 g,
  • any low-fat cheese - 35 g,
  • salt pepper to taste.

Boil the eggs in advance.

We cut the eggs into smaller ones, I used a special egg cutter - quickly, simply, accurately.

Chop the green onion smaller.

Mix the onions and eggs in a separate bowl, salt and pepper to taste.

The second filling is ham and cheese.

I have homemade chicken ham and semi-hard low fat cheese.

Cut the ham into small pieces, three cheese on a coarse grater - mix.

Our fillings are ready.

We take pita bread and cut it into strips, which we will fold into triangles. The size of our pies depends on the width of the strips; the narrower the shelf, the smaller the pie.

Put part of the filling on the edge of the strip and fold the triangles.

I fry in a non-stick frying pan without oil on both sides until crunchy in the pita bread.

If you cook for a family, so as not to stand at the stove, frying pies, you can simply send them to the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Filling options:

- grated apple with cinnamon and sahzam,
- cottage cheese with berries,
- cottage cheese with cheese and herbs,
- meat fillings - pre-cooked minced chicken fried without oil with onions,
- cabbage stewed with vegetables,

The filling depends on your tastes and imagination - go for it!

Enjoy your meal!

KBZHU approximate for a pie with an egg: K - 210, B - 11.24, F - 6.2, U - 26.6
KBZHU approximate for a pie with ham and cheese K-286, B - 27.8, F - 7.5, U - 26.1.

YOU can watch the video recipe on my YouTube channel link.

Thanks for your time and likes.
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I do not pretend to be a PP expert. Just sharing my experience. I am "OkoloPP"!

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