Tips for preparing squid


These secrets and tips everyone should know!

Tasty and healthy delicacy, rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements was fed to the table in ancient Greece, calling this mollusc winged fish.

Low calorie (86 calories per 100 g), high nutritional value and the ability to a beneficial effect on the body turned into a popular squid dish for those who want to lose weight and healthier.

How to cook a tasty squid, so they decorate the holiday table?

There are many methods and recipes of seafood, but all are based on certain common points, you should be aware of each owner.

Many believe that to cook the squid is very difficult, but it is a misconception that you have to debunk the practice.

How to quickly clean the squid?

Untreated squid considered more qualitative, since mollusks after treatment factory subjected to heat treatment, and become rigid.
Mediterranean people know how to properly clean the squid, frozen or fresh.
First, they should be thawed at room temperature or in the refrigerator, then pour boiling water for one minute (at this time, minimizes skin), pour boiling water and put into cold water squid.

You can then easily remove the coiled peel, remove chord insides - and squid can cook.
This is the best way to do so that the squid were soft, tender and juicy.

How to cook peeled and unpeeled squid

Add the water, salt, pepper and bay leaf, wait until the water boils, immerse the carcass squid and after 10 seconds of pull.
Once the water boils again, do the same with the second carcass, with the third and all subsequent squid.
To understand how to properly cook squid fillets, you just need to try this method, and then you will understand why all previous methods have been unsuccessful.
It turns out that a long heat treatment (within 3-5 minutes) deprives squid taste and nutritional properties and turns them into the rubber, which is impossible to chew.

There is another way how to cook frozen squid (previously it should be, Of course, defrost) - you need to boil water with salt and spices, put the clams and immediately withdraw from fire.
Infuse this yummy need for 10 minutes.

And now I tell you how to boil frozen squid, without defrosting: you simply omit them in boiling water for one minute, turn off the fire, and then hold it in the water for 3-4 minutes.

How to fry the squid

Before frying squid should boil one of the above methods. It is possible to fry squid grilled or oil whole carcass, or the following method.
Cut into rings or strips, dip in lezone (beaten eggs with cream, salt and spices), roll in bread crumbs and fried in vegetable oil or butter is not more than five minutes.

Some novice cooks interested in how to prepare squid, fried in batter.

This is a very simple dish is made in the same way - boiled and chopped clams lightly marinated, dipped in batter and fried in plenty of oil.

Very tasty squid are obtained in an oven or on the grill, but they need to be pre-marinate for a few hours in the lemon juice, garlic, pepper and paprika.

Then squid should be put on the grill and cook, pouring the remaining marinade.

How to stuffed squid

First, wash the squid, pour over boiling water, then clean and lightly beat off each carcass.

Next, you need a two-thirds filled with stuffed carcass, as is fit mushrooms with eggs, vegetables and rice, shrimp and cheese, green beans and onions, apples and cheese.

The edges of the carcass are bonded skewers, whereupon squid extinguished in an oven with a small amount of water, and five minutes before they are ready sprinkle with cheese and put back in the oven until golden brown.

The finished dish is watered peanut, tomato, cream, sour cream, wine, soy sauce and onion.

In many recipes cooking squid can be found unexpected combinations - squid with minced meat, bread and anchovies, with crab sticks and corn, nuts and dried fruit.

They have their own secrets of cooking squid, but there is one important rule in each national cuisine.

Do not overload squid spices and herbs as they intensely absorb the flavor of the products of others, and the dish can be too saturated.

How to cook squid - it is only the beginning.
It is important to choose a suitable side dish (rice, vegetables, pasta) and the correct serving and garnish it with fresh vegetables, lemon, herbs and olives.

In Southeast Asia, squid eaten raw, pouring their spicy sauces, but this is not extreme for those who love to cook and enjoy a delicious meal!

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