I eat to lose weight. My result is minus 60 kg in two years. Tasty, satisfying and slowly we go to harmony



Good day to all and delicious weight loss!

In the collage above, there are two main points that helped me lose weight and achieve a result that I never dreamed of at the beginning of the journey - a calorie deficit and about PP.

This is now, realizing that everything is possible - I want an even better result. And with a weight of 132 kilograms, I dreamed of losing at least 100 kilograms.

After all, I've tried a bunch of diets. Starved for weeks, sitting on the same water. Naturally, such experiments on the body led to gastrointestinal sores. And returning to the previous diet, after each diet, led to an even greater weight gain than it was before. And what can we say about the breakdowns from the diet and the absorption of everything.

Eating disorders, lack of knowledge and understanding that food can be tasty, satiate, but not so high in calories - all this leads to excess weight. Banal overeating and lack of nutritional control is the path to excess weight.

But now everything has changed. Now I understand that nutritional control is necessary. You cannot exhaust the body on a diet, lose weight, and then return to the absorption of your favorite buns.

👍 Or we develop healthy eating habits, replacing high-calorie foods with less high-calorie foods, stop absorbing everything, controlling our diet, and remain slim and healthy.

👎 Or we do not leave the refrigerator, we reward ourselves literally for everything with another tasty treat and are looking for a second chair for our fifth point.

The choice is yours.

I'll go to my menu.

Today I didn’t sleep on a sunny day (maybe the last one, because rain and cold weather promise).

At 8 am I was already having breakfast, so that at 9 o'clock I could go to our quarry to sunbathe.

Breakfast is a cheesecake on oatmeal.

A link to a detailed recipe is in the reminder at the end of the article.

I will just list the products that I used this time: dry oatmeal - 20 g, egg - 60 g, cheese - 50 g, kefir - 35 g. It turns out yummy!

I washed down the cake with green tea and did not forget about vitamins and omega-3s during breakfast.

By the way, vitamin D, which I drank in courses in autumn and winter, I have stopped drinking.

Breakfast for 375 kcal.

Today I have already set aside two and a half hours in the morning for myself to rest, postponing all the working moments for the afternoon.

And again I did not dare to swim, well, here is cold water. Although I would definitely decide for a company with someone!

But the fish frolic in full!

Did you see? 😍

The hotter it is outside, the more water your body needs. During my stay in the sun, I drank a liter of water - half my norm.

And also had a snack with an apple (about 180 g) - 85 kcal.

Returning home, I drank green tea with dates. I have royal dates this time, 3 pieces stretched 45 g is 140 kcal.

I had dinner prepared yesterday - all that remained was to warm it up.

For lunch, 130 g of boiled buckwheat and somehow I swung at 3 slices of turkey thigh fillet, stewed with vegetables, and they pulled as much as 220 g.

It turned out lunch for 515 kcal.

Having rested well in the morning - after lunch to work.

Today is still a pre-holiday day and many have a shorter working day, but for me it's the opposite.

In the morning I still managed to prepare a salad with chicken breast, canned pineapple, cheese and garlic. Here's something I really wanted this particular salad.

I ate salad for dinner (200 g), seasoned with 50 g of soft curd mixed with 5 g of Bavarian mustard.

Dinner - 295 kcal.

In total, 1410 kcal were obtained in a day.

I drank water even more than my norm (it is recommended to drink 30 ml per kilogram of weight).

I began to slowly try not to go beyond 1400 kcal. I rested for almost 2 months, I have to pull myself together, otherwise I get lazy and drive away the remaining fat.

I want to see how the weight behaves at 1400. Something my body in 2 months did not want to part with even 100 grams and was not used to increased calorie intake.

I don't want to think that 1450-1500 is my ceiling. It is clear that the formulas for calculating the norm are averaged data. Our body is so individual that you cannot precisely adjust it to any formula.

While I'm looking at what will be 1400 kcal.

Have a great weekend and Happy Russia Day!


Strawberry curd pie:
Cribfor beginners to lose weight on a calorie deficit - I tell you where to start.
Cataloglinks to recipes.
Skin carewhen losing weight.
Learningcount the calorie content of the finished dish.
Whole grain bread recipe.
Recipe for chicken breast in sour milk with cheese.
Oatmeal cheese tortilla recipe.
Canned pineapple salad recipe.

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