To lose weight, I eat hearty and tasty, and not starve. My result



Good day and delicious weight loss!

Are you still starving, eating fresh boiled breast, or steaming food to lose weight?

Is it worth it to torment yourself and destroy the body?

The base metabolism of the average person is 1200 kcal. Less - the body is simply trying to survive, turning off many important functions, including childbirth.
We just need food that contains all the nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals).
Why can't you starve for a long time and eat 1200 kcal or less? It is described in detail in the article, which is referenced at the end of this article, in a reminder.

And I will give an example of a menu on which one is losing weight perfectly and my minus 60 kg is proof of this (and I started to lose weight from 1700 kcal).

For breakfast - a cheese cake.

Today I cooked it on 1 egg, 30 g sour cream, 35 g cheese and 30 g rice flour and plus a pinch of sweetener and salt.

It turned out breakfast for 380 kcal. I washed down the cake with green tea with jasmine and the morning was successful.

The original, detailed recipe for a cheese cake is in a reminder.

For a snack, 200 g of orange - 70 kcal.

And then I drank coffee with milk (100 ml) - 55 kcal.

I try not to drink coffee, but sometimes I really want to, especially when the aroma of coffee provokes someone.

Why I gave up coffee, I already told you - it badly affects the stomach, increases acidity and makes a war in the stomach, and also badly affects the appearance of the skin.

Our LCD supported a flash mob, at 12 o'clock the song Victory Day sounded from the windows. Some residents have decorated windows thematically in honor of Victory Day.

It is a shame and sadness that such a date - 75 years since the Victory Day - passed exactly like this, home. But what can you do.

Dinner today is festive (for me it is festive for its calorie content, and not for some festive dishes).

For lunch, 200 g of boiled potatoes, 210 g of pollock fish cakes, 50 g of radishes and a glass of martini in honor of the holiday.

Lunch went out on 720 kcal.

And spring, in spite of everything, takes its toll! Everything is in bloom, fragrant!

The blackthorn blooms. That summer I made a wonderful jam from it, it is tart, very tasty. I hope this year we will be able to prepare several jars of jam.

Lunch was "royal" in terms of calorie content and I decided that for dinner there would be a light but hearty salad, so that in the evening I would not be drawn to the refrigerator.

Dinner - a salad of cucumber, radish and eggs, which just added a touch of satiety. The salad is seasoned with 60 g of soft cottage cheese.

It turned out dinner for 225 kcal

Radish has just appeared in stores at an affordable price.
I hope that soon other vegetables will begin to fall in price, otherwise you won't be able to approach your favorite zucchini and fresh cauliflower.

In just a day it turned out 1450 kcal.

I tried to drink water, but did not clearly count the amount drunk. Feels like I haven't drunk my norm today.

Let me remind you that the recommended rate of water is 30 ml per kilogram of weight.

And a little human stupidity. She herself was like that

And there are still those with the "PP of the brain".

Half a year for 800 kcal with steamed food🀷.

Many who will stand hunger for six months and not tasty fresh food for a couple? I doubt it, otherwise everyone would have walked slender, ideal figures.

But no, a huge number of people in the world are obese. A person is actually weak, he wants to eat deliciously and not starve. And it is not uncommon that delicious food is the only joy and outlet.

And what will happen to the average person of 800 kcal?

❗Killed: metabolism and reproductive system.

❗ Awful skin condition and long hair.

❗ Violation of hormonal levels.

In pursuit of an "ideal figure" the most important thing is somehow forgotten - health, which is very difficult to regain.

And about butter, cheese, etc. These are fats that the body simply needs (more details here).

Don't make mistakes that will lead you to loss of health.


Video recipe for chocolate cupcakes with cherries - delicious, just quick:
Cribfor beginners to lose weight on a calorie deficit - I tell you where to start.
Cataloglinks to recipes.
Learningcount the calorie content of the finished dish.
Why you can't underestimate the calorie content of the diet.
Fishcake recipe.
Cheesecake recipe.

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