Red wine can be drunk every day!


The fact that alcoholic drinks cause irreparable harm to the body and cause a number of deadly diseases, they know already, even schoolchildren.

But despite the proven facts hazard, alcohol remains a fixture of any festive events and activities.

Opened our toasts, congratulated heroes of the occasion, or simply to welcome guests with a glass of alcohol.

Most people prefer drinking alcohol only on major holidays.
But there are those who like to consume alcohol on a daily basis (especially wine) in small doses.

In general, is it possible to drink wine every day, not whether a person is at risk under these circumstances quickly become an alcoholic?
Opinions on this issue is extremely controversial, so the issue should be viewed from different angles.

The most hot cause for heated discussion, it is helpful to drink wine every day, it becomes drinking red wine as the most favorite.
Admirers daily relax with a fragrant ruby ​​alcohol based on real-life examples.

In particular, remember the number of centenarians, who mainly come from countries that are considered traditional wine.

Admirers of grape alcohol say that if you drink a glass of wine every day in small doses, such a habit It will help reduce the risk of the emergence not only of diseases related to the heart, but also to protect the individual from dementia and diabetes.

By the way, this statement also supports a number of doctors.
Their opinion is based on the results of several long-term and large-scale studies carried out by scientists of America and France.
Judging from the data, a daily glass of red wine actually prevents the emergence of many pathologies.

For example, the wine:

  • Lowers the risk of cancer processes by 20%.
  • It reduces the possibility of problems with the cardiovascular system by 40%.

Opposition members and supporters of sobriety testifies to the opposite.
And agreeing with the proven benefits of aromatic grape alcohol, but we recommend not to forget that in it, as with any alcohol containing ethyl alcohol.
Whatever may have been a natural drink, it includes harmful substances inherent in ethanol and provoke development of various pathologies that are sometimes fatal.

Red or white?

Summarizing the obtained results, we can say that these two-year study did not bring any global discovery.
All figures only confirmed the already made medical cardiologists observation.
Long time driving their patients-cores, doctors say that
a small amount of red wine improves the standing of peopleEspecially those who are prone to:

heart attacks;
heart failure;
coronary artery disease.

Doctors are not in vain it is inclined to the usefulness of dry red wine than white.
The ruby ​​beverage composition in comparison with a white 13-fold higher content of essential antioxidant - resveratrol.

Resveratrol has the following, very useful for the organism qualities:

reduce rates of blood sugar;
reducing the level of bad cholesterol.

final results

In drawing conclusions, based on the opinion of experts and numerous studies, we can conclude that the most useful thing to consume red wine.
But the benefit it will bring on the condition of small doses!
Wherein the beverage itself should be natural and of high quality.

Doctors recommended for daily consumption of 100 ml of dry wine.
When exceeding a given dose of a benefit can not walk and talk.

Under such conditions, the fragrant alcohol will serve a man a good service. And help prevent the development of some unpleasant pathologies and problems in the internal systems.

Legendary physician Paracelsus, who lived in the 16th century, wrote: "The wine - it's food, medicine and poison, it all depends on its dosage."

By the way ...
In addition to the French, the Italians
alsouse red wine every day, and are also distinguished by excellent health and loving.

Make your conclusions, gentlemen ...

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