How useful Lemon: Lemon secrets to your health


Lemon - an ancient multivitamin and prophylactic. What else is it useful?

Lemon - a tree that grows in Asia and in particular in the Chinese territory.

Today the yellow citrus is grown on the territory of the Caucasus, the Mediterranean and even in America.

In our country, only a few have seen the evergreen citrus fruit, which can reach a height 8 meters, have a magnificent crown and blooming gorgeous pale white flowers, slightly similar to magnolia.

But citrus fruits and their unique sour taste is familiar to all.

This citrus is one of the most popular flavors in all sorts of dishes, confectionery, mineral water and so on. D.

At the lemons in the food you can eat everything: pulp, lemon juice, zest.

Of these, aromatic oils and produce the acid component.

What Constitutes a lemon?

The main components of citrus - a water base and citric acid. In addition, the lemon rich in vitamins and does a lot of ascorbic acid.

It gives askorbinka fruit sour taste.

The juice of the fruit contains approximately 1 1/3 askorbinki daily requirement, and 15 c peel - approximately 12 percent.

Apart from ascorbic acid, lemon composition includes the following vitamins:

Furthermore citric acid present therein, and other organic particles, and various alkaline minerals.

In this fruit and elements such as sugars, nitrogen compounds, minerals, pectins and even Cu.

In the skin of the fruit contains bioflavonoids - special natural compounds necessary for the person and giving citrus yellow.

How useful Lemon - healing properties

So, what is a lemon benefit to the organism:

  • Firstly, this citrus is excellent prophylactic against colds. It strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance. Not just citric acid is rarely included in the complex of antiviral drugs and other means of colds.
  • Rutin is required to man as his deficiency can cause abnormalities of vessels. Rutin prevents the flow of blood inside and bruising due to the amplification of capillary walls and other vessels. He gets rid of pain in the lower extremities, provoked by varicose veins.
  • Positive effect on the vascular wall and K contained in the soft part of the fruit. It is useful not only for the heart and blood vessels, but also for the genitourinary system, especially to the kidneys.
  • The healing quality citrus stand and its antiseptic effect. Juice has wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effects, but also kills germs. In some countries, cut fruit is applied directly to the affected area.
  • Askorbinka present in the composition of lemon, functions as an antioxidant. It prevents the premature aging of, prevents early wrinkles, making the skin younger and cleans the skin.
  • Series B vitamins eliminate insomnia, reduce fatigue, help in the struggle with depressed mood and tone. They also provide protection against dandruff and acne on the skin, normalizes the state of the nail plate.
  • Retinol is useful for vision.
  • lemon peel reduces the formation of gases and normalizes the digestive system.

That treats a lemon?

Since ancient times, healers have used the lemon for the treatment of pathologies such as:

Hepatitis A

Citrus also beneficial for women, as they help to treat gynecological diseases.

Water with lemon great for processing by an infectious process in the oral cavity, tonsillitis, mucosal pathologies.
In 125 ml of water is necessary to squeeze the juice of half a citrus.

Yellow fruit is indispensable if you want to remove toxins from the body. He is well-drives urine, cleanses the intestines and eliminates harmful inclusion of the liver.
Lemon juice can work where other drugs are powerless.
Substances that are present in the pulp and skin of citrus, help with pochekamennoy and stone disease, and gallstones.
External used for the treatment of fungus zest.
Wiping skin citrus strengthen nail plates.
Peel or citrus juice packs with help from a pain in his head.

Lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach diluted with water for the benefit of weight loss.
This is useful for both men and women.

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