Funky salad with ham in haste


This dish is even looks pale, despite the fact that the meat in it.
Very tasty combination of ingredients of the cheese, ham and fresh cucumbers, allows me personally to eat it over and over! :)

It makes you want more, more ...

Serve it can in general the bowl and the portioned individual plateaus.

Salad "Tenderness" - a classic recipe


Three hundred grams of ham
three cucumber
Two eggs
One hundred grams of cheese
parsley for decoration


1. Boil eggs and place them in cold water for cooling, and then cleaned of shell.

Cucumbers are thoroughly washed and cut off the ends.
If you peel the vegetable bitter or thick, then of course it is also necessary to cut.

2. Ham, eggs and cucumbers cut into small strips and place the whole thing in a large bowl in which it will be convenient to mix.

This also rub on a coarse grater cheese.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix the finished dish is desirable only before serving to cucumber juice was not allowed and "played havoc".

Put the contents tucked into a beautiful bowl or compacted into molds.

The latest version of file portions on a plate.

To make the dish more appealing, decorate with greenery.
For example, like this:

Or like this:

As you probably already noticed, this option can be prepared quickly enough.
And you know what it turns out tender and delicious?! Not?!
Then try to cook it a must!

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