How to clean LIVER folk ways: top 6 Powerful recipes


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These methods are simple and therefore available to everyone!

Top 6 Powerful Ways clean LIVER

So, you still want to use on traditional methods - then you first need to thoroughly prepare for this important procedure.

Start eating right. Avoid harmful products in order to reduce the burden on the liver, let it breathe freely.

The method №1. Raisins

The raisins contains a special ingredient - inulin, which is able to clean the bile and hepatic ducts of all kinds of garbage. This is one of the nicest folk remedies: tasty, simple and effective.

Raisins washed well and soaked for a day in mineral water (in a proportion of 1 to 2).
Scheme 1. Eat 100 grams of black raisins in the morning on an empty stomach for a week.
Scheme 2. Drinking mineral water from the raisins (infusion) - either in the morning or before going to sleep, but always - on an empty stomach. Volume - 1-2 cups. Frequency - a couple of days a week or a day 5-6 times.
Scheme 3. Drinking infusion, and then separately to eat raisins - though all week.

Method №2. Vegetable oil

How popular way you want to clean the liver - gentle, but ineffective or tough, but effective? This agent belongs to the category of the latter.

In the morning, do not go outside the house to dress warmly. At lunch take a hot bath. Later in the afternoon warming right side on a heating pad for at least 2-3 hours.
At 20.00 to drink a glass of warm vegetable oil in small portions on an empty stomach. Preferably olive.
Allowed to drink a drink (but not too sweet).
Some traditional recipes recommend adding to the oil a little lemon juice or acid - this will increase the flow of bile, which plays an important role in cleaning.
After 2-3 hours in the morning or be prepared for unpleasant stools.

Course - 3-4 times every 3-4 weeks. In fact, quite a quick and effective procedure that can try at home all.

Method №3. oats

Oats are available at any time of the year, is inexpensive, and you can find recipes for all tastes. Here are some options.

200 g of oat pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook over low heat 1 hr. Left open at 8:00. Strain. Drink small sips 8 times a day.
Tablespoon oat flakes milled to flour condition, pour into a thermos 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse 12 hours. Drink in equal portions three times a day before meals.
Any silver object put in a pan with a half liters of water. Boil, remove the silver. Pour this water 150g whole oats, boil for 15 minutes. Pan wrap in a towel and leave for 2 hours. Strain. Take equal portions over 20 minutes before meals three times a day. Course - 2 weeks.
A glass washed oat whole grains placed in a thick-walled pot. Brew 2 L of boiling water.
Put in the oven for 2 hours at 150 ° C.

Cool, strain. Drink half a cup twice a day for half an hour before a meal - as possible before breakfast and before bedtime.

Method №4. herbs

To cleanse the liver at home, you can use choleretic properties of some medicinal herbs. Of them can be combined to prepare infusions and decoctions, which will contribute to the removal from the body of all unnecessary.

These include:

St. John's wort;
corn silk;
pharmaceutical camomile;
wild rose and many others.

The list is far from complete, but these plants allow the most efficient release of liver cells from unwanted fat, and strengthen them to the maximum.
Patterns of use and simple recipes.

50g of dry grass to fill choleretic half a liter of boiling water in a thermos (dosage infusion on day 1). Leave for an hour. Strain.
One cup is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - in the evening before bedtime.
The course - exactly one month. Frequency - twice a year.
Disadvantages: Frequent and copious stools (it will leave those same toxins), duration (a month).

Method №5. Apple juice

The juice has to be home-made, freshly squeezed from sour varieties. This method of cleaning involves the use of enemas and a mandatory three-day diet.


aggravation of cholecystitis;
exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease;
impaired metabolism;
elderly age.

Schemes carefully designed so that it is not necessary to change anything in them.

Scheme 1 №

Do an enema. During the day drink only apple juice. The volume is not limited.
The second day = first.
Third day: drink juice to 18.30. Warm up the liver heater. Lying on the right side, every 15 min sips a drink olive oil and lemon juice (200 mL oil and 150 ml of juice).
After a bowel movement once again do an enema.
The next morning to start breakfast, or oatmeal, or from boiled vegetables - carrots, pumpkin.

Scheme № 2

3 days before the cleaning done daily enema evenings.
The Day of Atonement last meal - 16.00.
The drink 19.00 Magnesium chloride (50g powder in a glass of water) and the same non-carbonated mineral water.
At 21.30 - Enema.
At 7.30 drink 100 ml of apple juice.
At 10.00 and 11.00 to drink more of the same. During the day, use only non-carbonated mineral water.
At 21.00 drink solution shpy (ampoule - at 2 tbsp. l. water).
At 22.00 - 100 ml of apple juice, 2 fresh egg yolks. Warm up the liver.
In the morning - an enema. During the day - a strict vegetarian diet without salt.
The next day - the enema in the morning, add a bit of milk products and eggs, salt on the menu.

Method №6. Beet

Like any other folk remedy, it has a lot of options.


Thoroughly wash the root. Not cleaning, put in a saucepan. Fill with 3 liters of cold water, put on the plate.
Cook on low heat until the water is evaporated to 1 liter.
Take the beet from the pan, cool, grate.
Mashed potatoes dipped in the broth, mix well and cook for a further 20 minutes.
A glass of broth drink every 4 hours. If gaps do less, cleaning will be more intense.
After each need to be applied to the right side of a hot water bottle and keep it at least an hour.

Each of these tools can be used for liver cleaning in the home.
But it must be assured that the procedure is necessary for your body - and not just for weight loss.

Be competent in matters concerning their own health. There are doubts - better once again checked by a doctor and ask his opinion.
Traditional recipes are good only in the absence of contraindications and compliance around the golden mean.

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