If you have some minced meat and need to feed the whole family, then this recipe is for you. I propose to cook budget cutlets, where the main ingredients will be minced meat and cabbage. I say right away: these are NOT lazy cabbage rolls, this is completely different. But yummyoooooo!
Minced meat
Sour cream
So, we need 250-300 grams of white cabbage. Grind it with a knife, grater or blender - the cabbage should be very finely chopped.
Add 150 grams of minced meat to it. From what kind of meat it doesn't matter, take any that you like or that is at hand.
Then put one small onion, cut into small cubes. Add chopped greens (this is optional), I like to use green onions for these cutlets.
We drive in one egg, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 3-5 tablespoons of flour.
Salt to taste, pepper. We make cutlets from the resulting mass, you can roll them in breadcrumbs or semolina, put them on a baking sheet or in a mold and send them to the oven. Temperature 180 degrees.
We cook the cutlets for an average of 40-45 minutes, the cooking time depends on what type of meat you mince, and on the oven too. You can also fry in a pan in vegetable oil. But it is precisely from the oven that they get tastier.
Serve cutlets with any side dish, salad - very tasty! You will see: eat everything almost immediately. Bon appetit, friends!
Read also: Eggplant with mushrooms and garlic. Delicious, but cooking is simple
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