How to cure pancreatitis folk remedies?


herbal therapy and traditional recipes for pancreatitis is not denied even supporters of traditional medicine.

In combination with the basic medication herbal therapy provides a very high effect.

Advantages phytotherapy that herbal treatment practically does not cause side effects, allergic reactions and does not affect the lowering of immunity.

Herbal treatment is permissible only in the phase of abating acute and chronic form of the disease.
When acute pancreatitis home treatment is not acceptable!

How to treat pancreatitis herbs

  • Immortelle.
    Whole plant flowers in an amount of two tablespoons (or shredded flowers - 1 tablespoon) filled glass of cold water.
    Broth bring to a boil, and then left for 20-30 minutes on the fire.
    Eat strained decoction should, in the form of heat - 1/3 glass before you begin eating.
  • Wormwood.
    pour a glass of water a tablespoon chopped tarragon.
    Broth put on fire and kept there until boiling (and after another few minutes).
    The drink should insist in a thermos for 45-60 minutes. Before the meal, drink a tablespoon of the therapeutic agent.
  • briar.
    During the chronic pancreatitis rosehips can drink on a regular basis - to 400 ml per day.
    The hot water is poured rose hips (the number equal to the number of berries liquid).
    The thermos infusion is left for a few hours, after which the drink can be consumed.

Similarly recipes immortelle and wormwood broths made from alfalfa and dried dill.
These plants help to relieve the aggravation of chronic pancreatitis and relieve the symptoms and treatment of the disease.

Despite the relative safety of herbs for pancreatitis before treatment should still consult with physician because Some herbs may refuse toxic or irritating effect on the pancreas, causing aggravation.
For example, immortelle may cause congestion in the liver and is contraindicated in hypertension.

Pancreatic collection - one of the best ways to treat pancreatitis folk
Pancreatic collection - one of the best ways to treat pancreatitis folk

To herbal brought maximum benefit, you need to know a few secrets of their preparation.

It should be thoroughly grind and mix together until uniform grass.
You can not mix plants of different density (for example, flowers and bark) and efirosoderzhaschie (strongly smelling) plants with coarse raw materials.
It is not advisable to store charges and infusions for a long time - it is best to cook them just before use.

Herbal treatment can be carried out seasonally as a prevention - 2 times a year for periods of 1.5-2 months.
In chronic forms of pancreatitis in the presence of persistent pain herbal medicine can be performed on a continuous basis.

The duration of treatment with herbs is typically 4-6 weeks, and the composition of herbal recommended to be changed every 5-7 days.

Local fruits and vegetables in the treatment of pancreatitis

Traditional healers offer to use for the treatment of pancreatitis gifts of gardens: Vegetables, fruits, plants, which differ availability and use of safety.


The potato juice has a spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.
The use of potato juice can help not only to cure chronic pancreatitis, but also to facilitate the patient's condition during the period of exacerbation.

Method of treatment: unpeeled potatoes rubbed on a grater, then squeeze the juice from the masses.
You need to drink the juice immediately before meals for 1 / 3-2 / 3 cup. treatment period is 2 weeks, and then for 10 days to take a break, and then repeat the course again.


Propolis stimulates the pancreas, accelerates regenerative and metabolic processes in it, and also has a protective function.

Methods of use of propolis:

  • In exacerbations and attacks of pancreatitis enough to chew a piece of fresh propolis mouth.
    Unpleasant symptoms go away almost immediately after chewing propolis.
  • Alcohol tincture of propolis is also used in the treatment of pancreatitis: 15 drops dissolved in half a glass of warm milk. Within a week, drink a solution of the night on a daily basis.


Juices have to prepare their own meals using only fresh and natural fruits and vegetables.

Help in the treatment of pancreatitis:

  • Beet juice. Take costs no more than half a glass of beet juice a day, dividing the dose into several times.
  • Vegetable juice: ¼ beet, 1 large carrot, a bunch of parsley and dill, 5 large cabbage leaves. This juice relieves attacks of pancreatitis and pancreatic clears.
  • Garnet. Fresh pomegranate juice is recommended to drink daily 2-4 months on half a glass (before each meal).


In any inflammation of the pancreas is very good regular oats, from which the drug can be prepared in various ways:

  • The dried grains are ground to a fine powder. The glass of warm water was dissolved teaspoon of powder and the mixture was placed in a water bath (30 minutes). Drinking on an empty stomach means you need on a daily basis for two weeks.
  • Fresh corn plants are laid out on a damp gauze to germinate them. Germinated seeds are dried, crushed, and a tablespoon of flour pour a glass of warm water. When decoction infusion (via the 1-, 1.5 hours), a fasting chugging. Such a course should be repeated 10 days.
  • oat grain is poured in cold water (1 liter of water in a glass grains). Place the mixture on the heat and boil for three hours. The resulting broth is cooled and placed in a refrigerator. Admission: 100 g means to food in the period - 10 days.

Oats helps to relieve inflammation and symptoms of pancreatitis, reduce the production of enzymes that break down the pancreas.

Treatment of traditional and folk methods may not produce the desired effect in pancreatitis.

This is due to the fact that the body accumulates weight toxins that prevent medicines to cope with inflammatory processes.

Therefore, along with basic methods of treatment should be conducted cleaning activities, which not only help remove toxins from the pancreas, but also to strengthen the whole organism.

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