Bay leaf: a secret agent for health


It is used in folk recipes from joint pain, kidney disease, hypertension, edema and diabetes.

Bay leaf - not just a condiment!

Bay laurel (lat. Láurus nóbilis) - a tree or shrub species of the genus Laurel (Laurus) Laurel family (Lauraceae).

Evergreen laurel grows in subtropical and tropical regions. It can be found in the Mediterranean and the Caucasus, in the Canary Islands, in the Crimea and in Asia Minor.

According to Ovid, the ancient Greek philosopher, once the god Eros punished Apollo, having started up in an arrow of love for the nymph Daphne.
In the very Daphne - another arrow, despised love.

Love Apollo aroused nymph only disgust, and ultimately, she asked the gods to protect her.
Gods have fulfilled a wish Daphne turning into a normal tree - Laurel.

Saddened gave Apollo the laurel wonderful property - it has become an evergreen and sacred.

Since ancient times the laurel leaves are used as a spice, medicine and jewelry. He is a symbol of victory in many cultures around the world.

Laurel Health

These inconspicuous fragrant leaves contain:

vitamins A, B and C
RR acid
Saturated fatty acids
essential oils

Valuable composition confirms that bay leaf and has a positive healing effect on our body.

For example, bay leaf is:

expectorant, and antifungal
immunomodulator and restorative
excellent analgesic
antispasmodic and vasodilators

Bay leaf excellent toxins from the blood, as well as toxins and heavy metal salts. Furthermore it has astringent, hemostatic and has healing effect on the body.

Broth laurel improves mood and sleep, acts as a demulcent.

Most known medical properties leafs - a diuretic effect and prevention of edema.
Recent studies have shown that bay leaf has anti-tumor effect and helps to prevent cancer.

Lavrushka for the heart

In many leafs caffeic acid, that cleans vessel walls from sticking cholesterol plaques and strengthens them, keeping in tone.
If every day to eat dishes with a bay leaf, it is possible to improve the condition of hypertension and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Healthy joints with laurel

Research Dutch scientists showed that Laurel has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, which have similar effects to morphine (although less pronounced).

Arthritis or osteoarthritis, painful joints superimposed area bay oil as a compress and after 20-25 minutes the pain to subside.

Kidney disease and edema - help laurel

With infections of the urinary system, traditional medicine recommends to add in 1 cup milk 1 tsp ground powder of leafs.
Stir and drink at once. Accepted 3 times a day.

In the case of kidney disease, and edema, bay leaf milled in a coffee grinder and then 1 tsp such raw pour 2 cups water and boil on high heat for 10 minutes.
Insist broth for at least two hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.

The beverage of leafs rapidly relieves pain and inflammation.


Before applying any national agents should consult a specialist.

Take care of yourself! Good luck to you!

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