Cure diabetes, asthma, nephritis, arthritis, pancreatitis and oncology!


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These powerful recipes with propolis to help cope with a number of diseases and conditions.
The article is very extensive, as propolis fights with many diseases. Prepare yourself!

The use of propolis inside the body provides strong immunity.
A compound with this bee milk product it greatly reduces the inherent bitterness and burning sensation, which is absolutely not reduce the anti-inflammatory effect of this agent.
What is interesting in this format have a higher concentration of minerals, trace elements and vitamins.

Propolis with milk - alternative to pharmaceuticals

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Methods of application of propolis and milk for treatment and prevention of various diseases.

1. The common cold, SARS, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma

For colds, coughs, sore throat and a temperature of preparing a drug.
Boil 300 ml of milk, add to it a tablespoon peeled and minced propolis.
Boil the mixture on low heat, stirring constantly it.
After that, strain through a fine sieve and allow to cool.

On the surface of the beverage removed pieces or film solidified wax. Receiving means at disease teaspoon every hour.
For the purpose of preventing colds and ENT diseases beverage drink teaspoon for 15 minutes before meals for 7 days.

When SARS and influenza, cough and elevated body temperature is useful for the night to drink a glass of hot milk with propolis tincture.
To do this, pour 45 drops of alcohol and drug stir.

2. Gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, gall bladder, pancreas, nephritis, cystitis

For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis also taking milk (600 ml).

Boil it with 3 tablespoons minced pure "black wax". (Before this propolis was placed in the freezer to harden it.)
Filtered and taking 40 ml every two hours for 4 days. Then make a break for 3 days, and repeat the course.
Subsequent courses of treatment are alternated with three-month intervals.

You can cook healthful beverage, using conventional and (pharmacy) alcohol tincture of propolis.
In the glass of hot milk taking 40 drops, stir and drink in inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity immediately before bedtime for 5 days.

Gastritis is recommended to prepare and adopt a healthful composition.
100 milliliters of propolis tincture take 10 milliliters Dog rose or sea buckthorn oil.
Bring the mixture to reflux and filtered through a fine sieve. Cool.

Take the drug with milk 30 drops for 40-60 minutes before meals three times a day for two weeks. After a week break, repeat the treatment.
Means stored in a cool place.

When the disease is kidney or bladder, a mixture of milk, honey and propolis.
In 200 ml of milk was added 30 drops of propolis tincture or tablespoon crushed product.
The hot mixture was placed one tablespoon of honey.
Drink just before bedtime and well wrapped up in a blanket.

This recipe is used for treating gastric ulcers. In 200 ml of hot milk taking 60 drops of propolis tincture alcohol (30%). The resulting composition is divided into three portions. Take the medicine three times a day for 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.

Treatment of gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer runs more efficiently if propolis with milk and add honey.
In a glass of hot milk take 50 drops of tincture and add a teaspoon of honey.
Take a drink three - four times a day before meals for 21 days.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities of propolis helps to get rid of pancreatitis. In 100 ml of milk are diluted ½ teaspoon alcoholic propolis tincture (10%).
Drink on an empty stomach in the morning means and just before bedtime.

Soon through mucosal regeneration gland, organ integrity is restored. In such a composition useful to add and honey.

Traditional medicine successfully treats using propolis and milk gastro.
Preparing such a curative blend 10 g of kernels pounded in a mortar and walnuts 220 ml of milk - bring to a boil.
Added to the composition of one teaspoon of honey and 30 drops of propolis tincture. All mixed and Accepted in three doses during the day before eating.
By the evening of significantly reducing pain, nausea will pass and stop burping.

3. Prostatitis, adenoma, vesicles and other diseases of the genitourinary system in men

For the treatment of prostatitis preparing such a mixture.
In the warm milk in an amount of 50 ml poured into 20 drops of alcoholic propolis tincture.
Stir and drink a dose three times a day.

In diseases of the genitourinary system in men along with propolis milk recommended daily oral doses of 5 g of purified from various impurities propolis twice daily before meals.

For most of its therapeutic effect should be placed under the tongue and leave until complete resorption.

Chronic prostatitis, adenoma, vesicles and other diseases of the male urogenital system can be treated as follows. 30 grams fresh propolis dissolved in one liter of hot milk. Take the drug three times a day for 40 minutes before eating.

4. Joint pain, gout, arthritis, rheumatism

Propolis and helps with joint pain of various etiologies.
For the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, gout or preparing a composition for oral administration.
10 grams of solid propolis pulverized and poured 150 ml of alcohol. Give it brew.
Take tincture with a small amount of warm milk every morning for 30 minutes before breakfast.
In addition, the use of propolis tincture for external use: poultices and lotions.

If the inflammation has spread to one joint and several (arthritis), it is advised to take the remedy.

In 100 ml of hot milk is diluted with a teaspoon of tincture. Mixed. Take this drug three times a day.

For the treatment of patients with joint use and such extract. Propolis pulverized (first placing in a freezer).

Connect ingredient with water in a ratio of 1: 1, and put in a boiling "bath". Mixture was boiled for 1.5 hours and filtered. Taking the extract with hot milk, adding a total of 7 drops.

When preparing a joint disease propolisnoe milk. In 800 ml of cow's or goat's milk is added to 80-90 g of fresh propolis. Boil the mixture on low heat until dissolution is complete "bee glue".
Next, the composition is allowed to cool and remove the wax film substrate. Milk with propolis use inwards and compresses the wax used in diseased joints.

5. Menstrual irregularities, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages

Propolis tincture 15 drops per 100 ml of milk overnight gives analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in strong pain and menstrual pain at adnexitis.

Traditional medicine offers to treat uterine fibroids follows.
Three times daily one hour before meals take the mixture: 50 ml of milk and 15 drops of 30% alcohol propolis.
Treatment is carried out courses: 25 days drink means, then make a 10-day break and repeat.
Thanks to the anti-tumor properties of propolis fibroids gradually decreases and disappears.

Myoma and treated with aqueous extract of propolis. Prepare a thick extract (30%).

Within a month he was taken before a meal, dissolving in warm milk. Additionally, with taking medication at night is introduced into the vagina swabs soaked in the extract.

6. Diabetes and other endocrine diseases

Against high blood sugar taking 30% tincture of propolis with milk.
Dosage and administration: 1 tbsp. spoon of tincture diluted in milk. Take 4 times a day before meals for at least 40-45 days.
(Tincture prepared: 12 g of bee product is poured 100 ml of alcohol, insist 18-21 days).

Normalizes the thyroid gland and the whole endocrine system is a tool in the arsenal of popular recipes. 20 drops of tincture is diluted in a small quantity of milk.
Take medication 5 times a day for 15 minutes before eating. Course of treatment: at least 3, 5 months.

In diffuse or nodular goiter, impaired thyroid function is recommended to take 20% propolis tincture of milk three times a day for 40 drops.
The course of treatment at monthly intervals for 1 year.

7. Skin diseases, burns, wounds

For the treatment of festering wounds, burns, boils, eczema and acne in traditional medicine offers facilities for outdoor and indoor use - propolisnoe milk.
It is prepared as follows: 0.5 liters of hot milk take 50 grams Propolis (crushed).
Boil in a tranquil part of heat for 5-7 minutes. Filtered and poured into sterilized glass jar.
On the surface of the cooled milk remove wax layer.
Ready means used for poultices, lotions and washing of wounds.
Inside it is taken twice a day for two tablespoons.

8. low immunity

To enhance the protective functions of the body and improve resistance to infection, traditional medicine also advises drinking propolis with milk and honey.
This will require no more than 4 grams of bee glue, 100-150 ml of hot milk and teaspoon.
The course is 1 month. Such health-prevention courses useful to carry out before the onset of cold and flu season.

The nuances of the treatment of children with milk propolis

Propolis for children with milk is used to treat colds.
However, up to 6 years to prepare the means to be at a much reduced proportion of components.
Half a cup of milk added to a total of 4 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis.

After 6 years, the dosage is gradually increased bee product. Warm milk with propolis quickly relieves symptoms of colds in children, increases the body's defenses. Medication given before bedtime.

One thing to do before using propolis milk in children - is to make sure in the absence of a child's allergic to bee products.

Contraindications and possible harm

Natural propolis can be harmful to health.
The only contraindication is the use of bee glue idiosyncrasy.
Therefore, before you start treatment it, to do the test for the absence of allergies.
By hand applied a small cake of propolis and its fixed plaster on 8 or more hours.
Allergy "give himself" redness or itching.

Information is for informational and educational character, before using consult your doctor.

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