Chicken on a rice pad



  • 1 kg Chicken in chunks
  • 1 pc Carrot (cut into cubes)
  • 1 pc Onion (diced)
  • 1 pc Bulgarian pepper (chop randomly)
  • 1 cup Rice (rinsed)
  • Mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Spices for chicken or your favorites
  • to taste Salt
  • to taste Ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons Tomato paste
  • 1 glass Water


We prepare products

Marinate the chicken in mayonnaise with spices and sugar for about 30 minutes. Mix vegetables and rice, salt, pepper and

Put in a baking dish, put chicken pieces on top of the rice, stir tomato paste in water - pour into rice,

We cover with foil and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes, then remove the foil,

We increase the oven temperature to 220 degrees and continue baking for another 20 minutes without foil. BON APPETIT !!! a source

P.S. I have 2 cups of rice and 2 cups of water, 2 carrots and 2 onions (large baking dish) Instead of tomato paste, I have turmeric.


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