It's time for green cocktails! Whoever planted greens early is already on horseback!
Our well-being depends on the state of our blood. If its composition is "sugar-coated" and thick, then we feel lethargic, sleepy ("crawling" on low energy)... And if the blood is clean, liquid (bactericidal), then we are cheerful, cheerful ("fly" at high energy!)
In order for the blood to become healthy, certain efforts must be made. For example, you need to significantly reduce fast carbohydrates (art. sugar, flour, etc.) and add blood-purifying natural products.
Greens cleanse the blood well, because it contains chlorophyll. Let's take greens that bacteria don't particularly like (cilantro, parsley, arugula, and you can also use dill if you want) and make the healthiest green cocktails.
1. Parsley - bunch
2. Cilantro - bunch
3. Arugula - bunch
4. Water - 3 glasses
We take greens, wash them thoroughly. If not from your garden, then you can wash for disinfection in living and dead water.
How dead water is made. Pour a liter of water, a teaspoon of vinegar into it and soak the herbs in it for 5 minutes. Then we put the greens in alkaline water (living).
How living water is made. We take a tablespoon of soda (preferably Crimean), put it in a liter jar, fill it with a glass of boiling water (well extinguish), add cold water and soak the greens for about 5 minutes (foam may come up - these are dead bacteria).
So you can wash not only greens, but also fruits and vegetables.
Making green bactericidal cocktails.
We take all the greens, tear them into smaller pieces (or cut them), place them in a blender container, add water, twist for about a minute, filter through a strainer and large holes and a green cocktail from a mix of bactericidal herbs are ready.
You can make 3 separate cocktails. The first from cilantro, the second from parsley, the third from arugula or dill (cocktails are drunk in the morning while fresh with an interval of half an hour). Have a nice spring day, friends! ;) Good health to everyone!
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