Chlorophyll Leaching Green Cocktail "Liquid Solar Energy"


Everyone knows about the benefits of greens because of the chlorophyll contained in it (which improves the condition of the blood, and it washes better, oxygenates all tissues and organs and rejuvenates the entire body). Greens grow in the sun and are all saturated with it (greens are the main source of chlorophyll on earth). Let's make a green bactericidal cocktail with leaching properties.


1. Celery stalks - 2 pcs (lixiviant + useful salts)

2. Green apple - 1 pc (vitamin C)

3. Lemon - 1 wedge (oddly sour lemon is also a lixiviant)

4. Water - 2 glasses (source of life on earth)


We take celery, an apple and a lemon, wash it well, put all unnecessary aside, cut the celery and apple into smaller ones parts, only juice can be squeezed out of a slice of lemon or you can use it whole place with the zest (at your discretion, we throw entirely).

We immerse all the products in the blender container, add water (preferably warmer or at room temperature).

We scroll everything together for about a minute (about 40 seconds). Pour the green cocktail into a glass and drink while fresh. This cocktail is already glowing with the sun! This little sun is on our table!

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Chlorophyll Leaching Green Cocktail "Liquid Solar Energy"

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