The most powerful remedy for a hangover: how to sober up quickly and correctly?


How to get rid of a hangover, and even at home, that is, having at hand only a limited set of "tools"? Let us examine further.

For everything in this life you have to pay, and, sadly, the currency often becomes our health.
Hangover, it is the bane of all mankind.

Yesterday was good but today it has come and it's not very fun ...
I assure you, all you can improve with home remedies.

How to get rid of a hangover is not to be

Do not treat all in a row - it is dangerous to health. If something desired was not at hand, and the forces for an expedition to the pharmacy there, better ask a friend or loved one.

Do not eat by force - if the organism does not take a food, so it does not need. In addition, not all foods are equally useful.

Do not take aspirin, paracetamol, tsitramon, Phenazepamum and their analogues - aspirin after drinking can damage the intestines, paracetamol and tsitramon during intoxication harmful to the liver and Phenazepamum simply incompatible with alcohol, and very dangerous for health.

Do not fight with nausea - it is not necessary to suppress the natural defense mechanisms of the body, it is better to drink more water and wash the stomach until the nausea passes.
Again -
nor any pills for nausea!

Do not take the medicine at the same time sorbents - activated carbon and other sorbents can absorb the medication.

Sorbents between meals and medication must be maintained in the range 2-3 hours.

Do not neglect your health - felt severe pain in the chest, blurred vision, saw the blood in the urine - without hesitation call your doctor.

What hangover useless

The following folk remedies will not harm the hangover, but will not do any good either:

coffee (except increase the pressure, and dry mouth, which is not good), tomato juice,
pickles (not to be confused with brine),
multivitamins (vitrum etc.)
gepatoprotektory (milk thistle preparations, etc.)

Do not waste your time on it, but rather go to the list below.

How to cure a hangover right

Recipe 1. Sober.

It's fast, but at the same time and a short-term way to get rid of a hangover, which only removes some of the symptoms but does not cure itself "disease".
If you drink a bottle of beer, or 50-100 ml of vodka, you get a brief period of time to improve the overall condition of the body, as alcohol will sedative and anesthetic effects.
During this short period of time to be with even greater enthusiasm to start cleaning the body from decay products of alcohol.
By the way, you can get drunk and
non-alcoholic beerThat is less harmful to the organism.

Freshen the nip better vodka as most pure alcohol product. Third parties impurity in "noble" drinks such as whiskey, tequila or gin, is further loaded liver, and it is very, very well not.

Recipe 2. Take a contrast shower.

Hot water promotes sweating, and this process is associated with the output of toxins and other harmful substances.
In addition, excessive sweating aligns the fluid balance in the body, which is broken as a result of libations.

Douches must begin with hot water and then alternated with a cold wash to be cleaned and sweat pores.
Not suitable for hypertensive patients and people suffering from diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system and brain with impaired circulation.

Recipe 3. Go to the bath.

Seen bath akin counterstained capita, but also bath accelerates the metabolism, increases skin respiration, eliminates dehydration, kills undesirable bacteria.
Recommended is a sauna, not a Russian bath, which puts a heavy load on the heart.
To treat a hangover will be enough for three sets of 5, 10 and 20 minutes.

Attention! You should not go into the steam room for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
If your heart rate above 110 beats per minute, and the pressure is higher than 140/90 - do not go to the bath, it is better get rid of a hangover in other ways.

Recipe 4. Get rid of poisons.

Alcohol products of decay are poisons, and they poison your body.
To get rid of them, drink:
Activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg), or any other adsorbent, succinic or citric acid, Eleutherococcus tincture, dairy products (Particularly useful when the hangover koumiss) not pasteurized kvass.

Recipe 5. Drink a glass of salt water.

Better cucumber or cabbage - there are a lot of salts, electrolytes, which normalize the osmotic pressure of blood plasma.

It is important to drink no more than 1 cup, or swelling of the tissues will only intensify. By the way, it is better to drink cabbage pickle, since it already contains succinic acid.

Recipe 6. Drink plenty of water and taking diuretics.

Improper fluid distribution - one of the underlying causes of ill health hangover (water in many tissues, and vessels - shortage).

This technique eliminates the large amount of water and the diuretic (nonalcoholic beer, green tea, veroshpiron, strawberries, etc.), but it is important to maintain the balance of salts in the blood, or from all of this confusing It will not be enough.
That is why you must first drink the brine.

When the hangover came, you should drink as much water as required by the body.
In principle it will be enough water for every 0.5 half an hour.
If a large amount of water would cause vomiting, it is only for the better - toxic products leave your mortal body even faster.

Recipe 7. There are citrus fruits and bananas.

The citrus contains citric acid, which will accelerate the metabolism and as a consequence, the excretion of toxins from the body.
Bananas are high in potassium, which is excreted from the body during frequent visits to the toilet in a little.

Recipe 8. Drink a decoction of St. John's wort and / or rose hips.

Broth Hypericum sedative (relaxing), antidepressant and anxiolytic (removes anxiety and anxiety) effect. It also improves blood circulation, has a tonic effect.
How to use4 Art. chopped herb Hypericum add 0.5 liters of boiling water and hold it in a boiling bath for 20-30 minutes.
Drink the broth every hour or half a cup.

Broth hips contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, and vitamins A, F and K.
Brew rosehips be as tea and do not boil, since the intensive heat treatment of ascorbic acid is partially destroyed.

Recipe 9. Drink lemon juice.

All the same citric acid. Squeeze the juice of two or three lemons, and dilute it in the double amount of boiled water.

Recipe 10. Eat half a cup of honey.

Experiments show that at home to get rid of a hangover can be intensive bowel cleansing and reception of honey. Treats should be eaten in small portions.

Honey contains a lot of fructose, which speeds up the metabolism and stimulates the so-called "pentose shunt" - the process of restoring essential coenzyme nicotinamide dinucleotide phosphate (NADP, NADP).

Recipe 11. Sleep well.

Sleep - the best cure for a hangover, as in a dream in the body are activated cholinergic processes aimed at restoring homeostasis (constancy of the physiological processes).

It is important that for a drunken man who ever watched, since in this state, the "patient" may start vomiting and needs to be flipped on its side.

Furthermore, it is undesirable to lay a long time in one position, as this may lead to renal failure resulting crush syndrome (crush syndrome that occurs as a result of prolonged gripping portions body).

Recipe 12. Workout.

After waking up, you can work out, but this option is only suitable for trained young people who have heart problems.

During exercise the body will get rid of harmful substances due to sweating, redistribution of vascular tone, glomerular filtration in the kidneys.

As you can see, getting rid of a hangover is not so difficult at home, as it might seem because of the bad state of health.

Follow these guidelines and you will definitely feel better.

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