The woman showed how to accurately determine the quality and duration of honey from a beekeeper


I stand at the counter and choose honey. The first thing that comes to mind is to try honey. It seems that natural honey should be bitter and there should be a slight burning sensation somewhere in the throat.

I try, but I really can't understand. Honey burns a little or tastes bitter, I move my tongue, swallow. Honey tastes bitter, but that's not certain.

The seller sees that I cannot decide and shows me the bank. Like, smell it, natural honey, it smells like honey. I sniffed and my flared nostrils said nothing to me. I doubt it again.

A woman stood next to me all this time and also chose honey. She did not try honey, but took out a paper napkin from her bag.

I asked the seller to give her honey for a sample and spread on a napkin. Then she put "all this" on the counter and asked the seller to keep an eye on it. She left, but promised to return.

It became very interesting to me and I stayed at the counter, watching and guarding the "honey napkin".

7 best ways to test honey with a beekeeper in 1 minute

After 15 minutes, a clear wet spot began to appear near the honey. And after another 10 minutes, the stain leaked out and wet the napkin.

So the woman returned, as promised. She glanced down at her napkin and shook her head. It seemed that was not what she wanted to see, and there was disappointment on her face. So much for natural honey!

The woman lifted a napkin and showed it to the seller. A damp spot indicated that sugar and water were added to the honey, which means that the honey is unnatural (fake). There is practically no water in aged high-quality honey. This honey will not run on the napkin and leave a wet trail.

Just like that, using a paper napkin, you can accurately determine the quality and duration of honey.

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