What you can and can not be at a stomach ulcer


How to eat, if you have an ulcer? At first, you can imagine dishes permitted ulcer, tasteless. But do not be skeptical about this in advance. The list of what you can eat is quite broad. Not need to be cook to prepare something useful and delicious at the same time.

Allowed products at disease

So you can eat:

vegetables without coarse fibers;
sour fruits and berries;
milk and dairy products;
white and lean meat;
stale pastries;
grind cereals.

All of the above products should not be greasy, salted and not very acidic.

Fully or partially restricted products

In gastric diet of the patient varies considerably. Most of the foods and drinks are under the restriction or prohibition. Excluded are products that irritate the stomach and increases the secretion of gastric juice.

So, one can feast on:

dried fruit;
fat cheeses;

Diet menu with a stomach ulcer

Gastric ulcer, gastritis as well, paired with a specific diet that does not tolerate fried, oily and spicy.

Ideally, this gentle, steamed or made in the oven, salted and seasoned dishes. In order to avoid exacerbations, gastroenterologists are advised to stick to a diet all the time, not just after surgery.
To quickly healed ulcer, the body needs vitamins and nutrients.
Fasting is appropriate, if the ulcer is bleeding and in the first 48 hours after the intervention of surgeons. However, to resolve to eat may only doctor who will evaluate the patient's health.
You need to eat a strict intervals in small portions. Daily caloric content - not more than 2500 kcal.
In the formation of the menu should be mindful of calorie ingredients, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The main diet of the unit - preferably protein foods where fat and fiber found in minimal quantities.
During exacerbation, it is necessary to reduce the proportion of carbohydrates consumed, because due to them can be a pain.
Eating fresh fruit juice will help to fill the nutrients in the body.
For example, ulcers strictly forbids eating cabbage (even cooked), but its juice is useful.
It is important to supplement your steady diet of low-fat milk.

On the basis of dairy products soups and porridge, and drink them in the usual way. By the way, honey and propolis strengthen the immune system and help the mucous recover faster.

Especially diet after surgery and at the acute stage

Following the surgery, you must adhere to the "soft" diet. Supplement the diet of a new dish should be carried out carefully, it is important to take into account the patient's condition.
The first two days after the operation is prohibited to eat any food. The man is on the medical starvation. Nutrient solutions drip provide natural activity of human body.
On the third day in the diet of liquid food introduced in small doses.

Gastric ulcer - a very dangerous disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract.
That's why experts monitor the patient's condition after every meal.
After three days, you can fill up the diet jelly or herbal decoction (do not overdo it with the amount).
After 6 days, the menu is replenished weak vegetable soups, liquid food, steam omelettes and grinded rice.
After 7 - 8 days permitted steamed chicken meatballs and vegetable purees.
During an exacerbation it is recommended to table number 1.
This menu is a little more than a week are used to reduce the impact on the injured part of the stomach.

It is necessary to remove all the food, damaging the mucous membrane and enhancing the product of gastric juice.

The diet should consist of boiled or steamed, delicate food in liquid or pasty form and practically free from salt.

It is recommended to eat a little about 6 times a day.

The right end of the day will be a glass of warm milk before bedtime.
In general, per day should eat no more than 2 kg of high-calorie food, not more than 2000 kcal.

Take care of yourself!

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