Sauce of tomato paste and some were not! Simple and easy to cook, and what turns gorgeous sauce for pizza or spaghetti!
I guarantee you will be satisfied!
Best sauce recipe for pizza or pasta
1 kg of tomatoes
onions 300 gr.
vegetable oil 70 grams.
bay leaf 5 pcs.
1 head garlic
1 tablespoon sugar
salt 1 tablespoon
dry basil 3 tsp
oregano 3 tsp
black pepper powder 2 tsp
1. Chopped onion, minced garlic, throw in the hot oil, fry for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
2. Tomatoes from the skin clean.
They were then cut into small pieces.
3. In a frying pan with the onion add the chopped tomatoes, bay leaf, oregano, basil, salt and sugar.
4. Simmer the sauce for fifteen minutes. Not to burnt constantly interfere.
5. Pour sauce in a blender and ground to homogeneity.
6. Bring the tomato sauce to a boil again and remove from heat.
Best sauce for the pizza is ready!
How to use: I
1) pizza
2) for cooking the sauce for pasta or as its base
Bon Appetit!
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