Fried porridge for breakfast


Today I will tell my readers about the recipe for cooking fried porridge. My family and I got a little fed up with boiled porridge for breakfast, so I decided to experiment and found a way to diversify such a boring dish. As it turned out, fried porridge is a great alternative to boiled one. Fried porridge was originally a Jewish dish, during the preparation of which it was supposed to fry semolina with the gradual addition of several glasses of boiling water, but I decided simplify everything. It turned out healthy, satisfying and very tasty. Now I will periodically include such porridge in our morning diet.

1. We take oatmeal (3 tablespoons), if the oatmeal is large, then it needs to be pounded with a crush, I buy in a box, Finnish, it is not necessary to crush it. I add to the bowl chicken eggs (3 pieces), rubbing on a fine grater cheese (40-50 grams), add turmeric optional (0.5 teaspoon), salt and pepper (taste). Mix everything thoroughly. Scroll the photo to the right.

Photo taken by the author (oatmeal)
Photo taken by the author (oatmeal)
Photo taken by the author (added chicken eggs)
Photo taken by the author (oatmeal)
Photo taken by the author (rubbed cheese)
Photo taken by the author (oatmeal)
Photo taken by the author (added cheese)
Photo taken by the author (oatmeal)
Photo taken by the author (added spices)
Photo taken by the author (oatmeal)

2. Heat the frying pan in vegetable oil and pour the resulting mixture. Fry 2 minutes on each side. It turns out a rosy, tasty flat cake. By the way, this dish you can eat not only for breakfast, but also for dinner or serve as a side dish for meat. It turns out really tasty and unusual. If you liked the article - rate it with your thumb up and, if not signed yet, subscribe to the channel, I publish interesting articles every day! Scroll the photo to the right.

Photo taken by the author (frying)
Photo taken by the author (frying)
Photo taken by the author (heated the frying pan)
Photo taken by the author (frying)
Photo taken by the author (poured the mixture)
Photo taken by the author (frying)
Photo taken by the author (fried porridge is ready)
Photo taken by the author (frying)

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