Today I will tell how to choose and store nuts correctly. Almost any nuts, in moderate doses, are good for our body. They are ideal for a snack and can harmoniously complement many dishes. For several years now, I have been using simple rules when choosing and storing nuts, with the help of which our family eats exceptionally delicious fruits. Let's figure it out!
1. First of all, when buying nuts, choose those fruits that seem heavy for their size. You should carefully examine, if not all, then at least a few nuts, if they are visible chips or cracks - then it is better to refuse the purchase. If the nuts are in shell, do not hesitate to shake several fruits if they rattle - the nuts are of poor quality.
2. Better do not buy too many nuts for future use, because due to the presence of oil in them, they begin to taste bitter. Inshell nuts are best stored in a cool, dark place. a craft package is ideal. Nuts without shell, better to store in a tightly closed container
in a refrigerator. All nuts lend themselves well to freezing and storage in the freezer for up to 1 year.3. Last thing - it is better to buy whole nuts, not chopped or ground. To improve the taste of nuts - heat them up in a skillet without oil, but make sure that they do not burn, as they can burn very quickly and the taste will be irrevocably damaged. Delicious nuts to everyone! Don't forget to like the article!