Useless translation of products and time: folk tricks that don't work


In ancient times, when the sky was blue, and Oleg Batkovich (just the same author of this channel) - young and poor, he (that is, I) had a chance to drive a Nissan Terrano with the right driving. And this Nissan was decorated in front of a powerful, thick, nickel-plated arc - in some places darkened with time.

And here the experts advised - you, Oleg, buy cola and take the foil... Wet the arc with cola, and then polish with foil - everything will shine.

I must confess that initially I doubted the successful outcome of this experiment, but I tried. The result, as you can imagine, was zero.

Ask - why is this story on the channel dedicated to food and products?

It's simple! Today, the topic of descaling teapots and other containers with improvised means, from the category "it would be cheaper to buy anti-scale." That is, myths about products that supposedly have magical cleaning power. But in reality - no.

Coca-Cola and company

You can fill the kettle with cola for a day, or you can boil it directly with it. It is possible that a very thin coating of cola scale will be removed due to a small amount of acid in the composition, but no specific scale will be. We had fun with this once at the dacha - they boiled a kettle with both cola and a sprite... Sprite, however, worked even better (it contains more acid).

Miracle soda

According to Internet publications, soda can cure nail fungus, with its help they grow hair, return the male Sioux and... of course, they clean the kettle with it.

As an abrasive soda, maybe it will go (in the absence of something else). But with her they suggest boiling the kettle.

Hmm... We tried. Boiling water with soda rushed out of the kettle. We then scrubbed the stove and all the surroundings for a long time. Of course, all the scale remained on the sides of the vessel.

Potato and banana peel

The popularity of these two products, it seems to me, is due to the fact that they are available. Bananas are perhaps the cheapest fruit, but potato peels are in every kitchen. The zealous owners thought for a long time how to get confused so that their disposal would become a real quest. We decided to clean teapots with them.

The recipe is to fill the container with waste, add water, boil. Yes, yes, there was a case, because of nothing to do they tried.

The effect was, of course! After all, we then washed this kettle from the inside for a long time. It's easier to just wash a kettle or a pot with an iron washcloth from the inside - you will save time.


Descaling dishes with brine is a real sacrilege. If only because it is better to use the brine orally, that is, to take it internally (especially with a hangover). And yet - not every brine is capable of dissolving at least something. Only the one with vinegar. But again, what if you can just pour water, add vinegar and not waste a good product?

If you summarize everything that has been written, then it is worth remembering: each vegetable has its own time, each product has its own application. It is better to drink cola and brine or add to cooked dishes (there are recipes for sauces with cola, for example, and you can stew meat in brine). Soda is good as a baking powder in dough. Well, also for heartburn, if nothing else.

And acid is used for descaling. Lemon or vinegar.

Otherwise - a stupid translation of products.

And yes - cleaning, regardless of what was cleaned, it is better to throw it away immediately, and not “first cook then squeeze, dry it on a battery and then take it to the trash heap.

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