Meatless cutlets: two recipes, tasty and economical


Cutlets without meat - but what, there are such? And how. Remember, I wrote that cereals, legumes, our usual vegetables from the middle lane can be cooked in any way - even every day, and never again for a long time? So, today - about cutlets. Of these, the cheapest products we still have ...

And the first to enter the ring are cereals.

Number of times - oatmeal cutlets

Do you think that this does not happen, and if it does, no one will voluntarily chop porridge from oatmeal? I’ll tell you a secret - if it’s cooked well, it’s going to be devoured for a sweet soul. The main thing is that it smells pleasant, the view is appetizing, and the taste is normal.

How to cook: pour a glass of oatmeal with boiling water and leave to swell. Peel the onion, carrot and potato (all for one joke), three on a grater. We look at how the flakes swell - as a result, we need to get a sticky minced dough. If the water is too much, drain it.

Add grated vegetables to the swollen oatmeal, chop a bunch of greens there, salt, crush garlic (if you like) and... shape cutlets. If you add some crackers (preferably with bran) - then you can stick it just like real ones, if without crackers - you will have to spread it with a spoon, most likely (much depends on how the flakes behave).

Fry like regular cutlets until golden brown, then leave for five minutes, covered with a lid.

Option: add chopped mushrooms to this minced dough. If you have dry mushrooms, then first soak and boil them, and steam the oatmeal in mushroom broth.

Number two - buckwheat cutlets

Everything is simple here: we cook buckwheat, or we take the already cooked one (it happens that the home ones flatly refused the side dish, saying that buckwheat is already in the liver). Further proportions to the volume of finished buckwheat, which is obtained from 200-250 grams of dry cereals.

We punch the buckwheat in a blender or roll it in a meat grinder along with one onion and one carrot (raw, washed, peeled, of course), and a couple of cloves of garlic (if you like it).

Mix the resulting mass with a raw chicken egg, salt, pepper and shape the cutlets, rolling each in breadcrumbs. Here, as for my taste, we need crackers without bran.

Fry cutlets as usual, until golden brown. Serve with sour cream (you can chop the greens into sour cream and you will get generally delicious food).

Bon appetit and don't switch, tomorrow will be about vegetables!

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