I fried the radishes, after the first portion my wife demanded more. I'll tell you what is the beauty of this dish


I heard about fried radishes for a long time, but I never cooked it myself, or even tried it. During trips to Asia, there were always more interesting and exotic dishes, and when it came to radishes, she, in general, did not climb.

And here - a friend wrote late in the evening, accompanied by a link to the recipe

- Fry it, try it!

Itself did not want to risk, declared - laziness. Well, in general, women are such women. So I became a pioneer among my acquaintances, which I do not regret a bit. Delicious, infection, it turned out!

So, how to fry.

As easy as shelling pears - washed the radishes, thoroughly cleaned those places where hints of earth were visible on it, cut them coarsely. I chose only those radishes that were dense, any hints of looseness and emptiness were immediately ruthlessly rejected.

He heated the oil in a frying pan, about the same as if you need to fry potatoes. And he threw radishes into this oil.

This time I chose the oil this way: if unrefined sunflower oil (the one with the aroma of seeds) is wonderfully combined with radishes in the salad, then it will go with fried radishes.

While the radish reached the initial crust in the pan, chopped the greens. From the greens, this time there was dill - I chose greens by analogy with butter, a salad of radishes with dill sounds great, but with parsley, something is already wrong. True, you shouldn't forget about the radishes - you need to stir it periodically.

When a crust appeared on the radish (not a lot), he threw in the greens and covered it with a lid - for three minutes, at most, maybe five minutes under the lid, it swept.

Well, on a plate with the words "Bon appetit", eat, dear home.

The most courageous was his wife. She first tried a piece, then another, then another and... sharpened the whole small trial batch, saying:

 - And nothing so delicious!

I had to fry the second bunch in order to really appreciate it myself (otherwise it got to one tooth at first).

Fried radishes are somewhat reminiscent of both young potatoes fried in oil and young zucchini in the aldente cooking stage. This is, in fact, a very interesting combination, which is difficult to describe in words, but it is very fresh, very spring and... in general, such a product can perfectly serve as a separate, very dietary, hot dish, and play a role side dish.

Next time I will try to fry the radishes in ghee (now it was not there), because I think there will be a wonderful tandem there.

In the meantime, I recommend to everyone - fry the radishes on sunflower, and... Bon appetit!

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