Simple and effective recipes for hypertension: try dog-rose!


Rosehip - a perennial shrub that has large red fruit with sour taste. Used for the preparation of medicines in the home. It helps improve health, to normalize the activity of various organs, stabilize blood pressure.

Beneficial features

With decoctions and infusions prepared using this plant can treat colds, eliminate renal disease, liver and gastrointestinal tract normalize work, reduce symptoms of anemia, reduce the intensity of neurological deviations. Rosehip hypertension can be used both as a stand-alone component for the manufacture of medicines, and in combination with other berries. Complement the action of rosehip honey from the husks of onions, lemon, pine needles.

As part of the wild rose is a lot of useful components, allowing the body to recover, to cure a lot of diseases:

Vitamins, PP, E, K and S.
Minerals, especially phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium.
Essential oils.
Proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids.

Rosehip affect the recovery of the activity of the immune system, removes toxins and wastes from the body, it helps to cleanse the circulatory system.

It characterized by a diuretic effect, so that helps to quickly lower blood pressure without the use of drugs.

Rosehip hypertension

Folk recipes that make use of hips as the main or auxiliary ingredient, help reduce pressure. With continued use of the product to normal blood flow to organs and tissues, reduces the risk of forming atherosclerotic plaques. If high blood pressure is on the 2-3 stage of development, rosehips can be used only as an auxiliary therapeutic method. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease requires a comprehensive therapy, including the use of drugs.

As briar effect on blood pressure?

Most people believe that the briar lowers blood pressure, so people's money based on it useful to use in hypertension. This is a big misconception, as well as the belief that the fruit of the plant with a long reception is not able to provide injury.

Rosehip hypertension perfectly lowers blood pressure, if taken as a tea or water infusion.

The fruits can be used in the form of malaria monotherapy or in combination with other herbs.

Folk remedies on the basis of wild rose in the fight against hypertension

Currently, modern medicine knows many recipes with wild rose, which allow to normalize blood pressure, but there are few of the most popular means of which enjoy special respect and trust hypertensives.

If a person is diagnosed hypertension, the pressure stabilization can be applied broth hips, on the recommendation of the attending physician.

You can not do such a tincture on alcohol, t. To. He contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, which increases blood pressure. When hypertension to reduce the pressure it is necessary to use a decoction of dried rose hips.

But not all patients can use this plant for treatment. Rosehip is contraindicated in people who have discovered a peptic ulcer or have symptoms of gastritis with high acidity.


It is forbidden to use rose hips for people with urolithiasis, as well as those with a plant allergy or idiosyncrasy of its components.
We must know that any infusion with rosehip negatively affects the enamel of the teeth.
Therefore it is recommended to drink the medicine made from plants, through a tube, and then rinse your mouth.

Rosehip may increase the pressure and lowering.

Therefore, high blood pressure it is important to find out in what way it affects the pressure to know which recipes to use it, and by what means to adding it is to give, not to cause an even greater increase pressure. Let us examine this issue further.

Rosehip raises or lowers blood pressure?

Rosehip can affect blood pressure, raising or lowering it. For example, high blood pressure recommended tools that allow you to lower the pressure.
This water infusions and decoctions of wild rose.

Swedish scientists at Lund University found that 6 weeks of regular intake of such drinks can reduce the pressure actively, due to the following properties of rosehip extract:

dilates blood vessels and restore elasticity which hypertensive patients are often thickened and covered with cholesterol plaques that hamper blood flow;
It stimulates the function of hematopoiesis;
It supports cardiovascular work;
It has a diuretic effect, deriving from the decomposition products of the organism;
eliminates tachycardia;
improves the quality and duration of sleep.

It is important to note that high blood pressure should give up alcohol products on the basis of rose hips.
The fact that they increase the pressure, as have a tonic effect and stimulate the heart muscle.

2 broth recipe

rosehip herbal teas can reduce blood pressure, and in constant use have a systemic effect - normalize the blood flow to organs and tissues, as well as reduce the likelihood of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

To achieve the desired results of high blood pressure can benefit from these recipes:

  • A decoction of fresh fruits. Grind rose hips to get 2-3 tbsp. l. raw pour 2 cups warm water, put on a small fire, bring to the boil and cook for another 20 minutes.
    Ready to drink the broth in the form of heat, and you can add sugar or honey to taste. Take a glass three times a day.
  • Decoction of dried fruits. Cook standing in a cold season, when you can not use fresh rose hips.
    It is necessary in a thermos pour 100 g of dry raw material, and then pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 3 hour and drain the broth into the kettle.
    100 ml drink need to eating 4 times per day. It is worth noting that a dry rose hips can be brewed 2 times.

Recipes with wild rose and other ingredients

Traditional medicine offers many products that help lower blood pressure.

Some of them have been successfully combined with rosehip within one recipe that allows the output to get the means perfectly suitable for hypertensive patients.

Here are the best recipes:

  • With hawthorn. Connect the 20 fruit of the plant, take 3 tbsp. l., pour 3 cups of hot water and infuse at least 6 hours. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Gathering of berries. Mix 2 tbsp. l. fruit of the plant, and then add 1 tbsp. l. beaks and black chokeberry. Next, take 3 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink before a meal 1/3 cup.
  • With lemon and honey. Rinse the lemon, grate with the skin, to shift into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. l. cranberries, 20 fresh crushed fruits hips, and then pour into 1 cup of liquid honey. All mix and take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day for at least a month. Prepare a vitamin mixture may be in a blender, after combining all the products.
  • With onion skins. Connect hips polstakana fruit husk with a glass, and then pour 500 ml of boiling water, mix, put in a water bath and remove after 15 minutes. Broth leave for 60 minutes and drink 1/2 cup twice a day.
  • With onion and aloe. You need to prepare a small sized onion, 2 leaves of aloe and half a cup of rosehip berries. They need to combine and chop the blender, and then add 4 tbsp. l. honey. All mix and take 2 hours. l. three times a day.

These drugs not only help to eliminate the symptoms of hypertension, but also supply the body vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances.

So, they can strengthen the immune system, improve overall health and reduce fatigue.

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