Dressing for vegetable salad


There is nothing easier to prepare than dressing for a vegetable salad. This sauce is suitable for any variety and type of fresh, steamed, stewed vegetables: tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, cucumbers, boiled potatoes, etc.

The dressing is quite versatile, it can be created in a matter of minutes and stored in the refrigerator for about 2 days. By the way, it can also be used as a marinade for grilling vegetables, any fish, beef, pork and lamb.

The dressing is added just before serving so that the vegetable slices do not release juice and the salad does not "float".


Vegetable oil - 40 ml

Salt - 3 pinches

Ground black pepper - 2 pinches

Apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tsp


1. It is best to use cold-pressed olive oil or unrefined sunflower oil, you can use corn oil. The main thing is that the product is of high quality and fresh, not rancid, otherwise it will spoil the whole taste of the sauce. It is best to taste it before pouring it into a container. It is permissible to replace apple cider vinegar with 9% table or lemon juice: fresh or concentrated. By the way, if the vegetables are sour, then 1-2 pinches of granulated sugar must be added to the list of ingredients in order to level the sourness.

2. Put salt and ground black pepper in a small bowl or shallow bowl. If you prefer green or white spices instead of black pepper, use them.

3. Pour in vegetable oil and vinegar.

4. Gently mix all the food in the container to combine, and leave for 5-10 minutes to soak each other's aromas and flavors. For those who like dried herbs - oregano, thyme, basil - you can add them at this stage. Many people like dressings with a garlic flavor - remember that garlic is also added immediately before using the sauce, but not ahead of time, otherwise it will acquire a bitter aftertaste during storage. Pour the dressing into a gravy boat and use as directed.

Pour chopped fresh herbs only into the salad - it is not added to the dressing, as it acidifies within 3-4 hours. Do not forget to gently stir the sauce before use in order to "lift" settled spices from the bottom of the container.

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