How useful various vegetable oils for your health?


How many vegetable oils? Dozens, hundreds? You know that oil is always used not only for cooking, but also as a therapeutic agent. Read more on.

The benefits of vegetable oils is known to all.
But not everyone knows about the unique properties of each of them. Let us examine the most popular oils, except for sunflower.



Easy consistency and sweet taste of sesame oil is rich in vitamins, zinc and especially - calcium.
Therefore, it is successfully used for the prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Sesame oil, also known as "Sesame", was very popular in ancient times and has always been prized for its medicinal, culinary and cosmetic properties.

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The Canon of Medicine "Abu Ali Ibn Sina (Avicenna) brings about hundreds of recipes based on sesame oil.

It is also widely used and is still used ancient Indian "ayurveda" teachings, enjoying respect of modern medicine, which, one way or another, use the methods and recipes of this ancient teaching.

Finally, we all know about the wide use of this oil in folk medicine.

Sesame oil - a valuable food and excellent therapeutic product:
- effective in various pulmonary diseases, dyspnea, asthma, dry cough;
- is recommended for diabetics;
- increases the number of platelets and improves blood clotting;
- obesity promotes weight loss and strengthens the body;
- in the treatment of increased gastric acidity;
- prevents the formation of blood clots, opens the blockage;
- it helps with gastro-intestinal colic, nephritis and pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis;
- used for anemia, internal bleeding, thyroid hyperfunction;
- used as an anthelmintic.


This oil is considered to be a female as it helps develop their own estrogen.
It is also a powerful antioxidant.

Flaxseed oil has been known for its beneficial properties in ancient Rus.
It was used in and also used as an external agent for skin and hair.

It must necessarily be present in the diet of pregnant women: flaxseed oil contains the highest number of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (than all known fish oils), essential for the proper development of the brain child.

Fairly well known that the use of flaxseed oil in food reduces the risk of stroke by 40%.

Linseed oil also contains large amounts of vitamin E, which is a vitamin youth and longevity, as well as Vitamin F, which prevents the deposition of "bad" cholesterol in the arteries, is responsible for the good condition of the hair and skin.
Vitamin F promotes weight loss due to combustion of saturated fat.
Vitamin F in linseed oil readily reacts in association with vitamin E.
Flaxseed oil contains such necessary for our body vitamins, like vitamin A, which rejuvenates the cells of our skin, making it more smooth, smooth and velvety, and it promotes hair growth, as well as B vitamins that are beneficial to the growth of nails, skin health and balance the nervous system.

If taken on an empty stomach in the morning tablespoon of flaxseed oil, your hair will be more fluffy and shiny, and the color of the skin will be more smooth.

You can also make and hair masks from flax oil.

To do this, warmed in a water bath oil is applied to dry hair, close the foil and heated towel and leave for about three hours, then wash off in the usual way.
This mask makes over-dried hair less brittle, promotes growth and shine to hair.

When used, we must remember that this product should be eaten without heat flaxseed oil unpleasant odor and dark: processing, because at high temperatures it is exposed to spoil color.
Therefore it is best to fill with linseed oil salads or use it in its pure form.
When buying flax oil, do not forget that you need to store it in the refrigerator, in a dark bottle, and its shelf life is limited.


Mustard oil a few centuries ago it was only a taste of the royal court, in those days it was called "imperial delicacy."

The mustard oil is, absolutely all fat-soluble vitamins, it has a specific aroma and spicy flavor is perfect for salads, emphasizes the taste of vegetables.
In addition, the salad with the dressing retain freshness longer.

Any baked goods, which included present this product turns lush and did not get stale.
According to their dietary and culinary properties, it far exceeds popular we sunflower: just one vitamin D "imperial delicacy" contains a half times more.

Generally in mustard oil has absolutely all fat-soluble vitamins.
It has a lot of vitamin A, growth promoting and enhancing the body's immune system, vitamin K and P, which improves the strength and elasticity of capillaries restorative material carotene.

In addition, mustard oil contains vitamin B6, which plays a critical role in nitrogen metabolism and the synthesis of amino acids and decomposition in the body.

Many nutritionists, naturopaths believe "imperial delicacy" final dosage forms.
Thanks to the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of this oil is ideal for the treatment of gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and colds.

Some doctors recommend to their patients as a preventive measure to drink on an empty stomach every morning, a tablespoon of mustard oil.


The main factors determining the properties of dietary corn oil, should be considered a high content of unsaturated fatty acids (vitamin F) and vitamin E.

Large amounts of vitamin E in corn oil helps to strengthen the human immune system.

This vitamin is also called "vitamin of youth" because it is an antioxidant and slows the aging process in the body, affects the metabolism and on blood cholesterol levels, improves the functioning of the liver, intestine, gall bubble.

Vitamin E in corn oil is indispensable in the treatment of "female" and nervous diseases.

Unsaturated fatty acids contained in corn oil, increase of the organism resistance to infectious diseases and encourage the removal of excess cholesterol from the body.

Unrefined corn oil has long been used as folk medicine for the treatment of migraine, rhinitis and asthma.


Great Homer called olive oil "liquid gold." We use olive oil since the time of Ancient Egypt.

Oliva was a symbol of peace and purity, always appreciated for the many beneficial properties for health.

Olive oil is considered the most useful of all vegetable oils.

It normalizes blood pressure, improves heart and digestive system.
There is evidence that regular use of olive oil is several times lower risk of breast cancer.

When used topically it has disinfectant and rejuvenating properties.

The best can be considered as extra-virgin olive oil (its label specified ital. Olio d'oliva l'extravergine or English. extra virgin olive oil).
This olive oil acidity is typically less than 1%, and it is believed that the lower acidity of the oil, the higher the quality.

Even more valuable is considered extra virgin olive oil "cold pressed" (eng. first cold press), although this notion is rather arbitrary - oil in varying degrees, heated and "cold pressing".

Gustatory qualities of olive oil degrade over time, so it is recommended to use the entire stock of the product in the course of the year.

Olive oil should be stored in dry, cool (but not cold) dark place, away from the kitchen smells different, because it is easy to absorb them.


It is a unique healing oil, known in ancient times.
Sea buckthorn oil has gained its fame thanks to the extraordinary healing properties. The unique properties of this oil is widely used in folk and traditional medicine to treat and prevent a variety of diseases.

This oil has a natural flavor and aroma. For prevention it is recommended to add to salads in any combination with other vegetable oils. Also, sea buckthorn can be used for cooking any dishes, giving them a unique flavor and increasing their nutritional value.

Few buckthorn - a product with a high content of carotenoids and vitamins: E, F, A, K, D, and biologically active substances. Used as a source of beta-carotene.

Sea-buckthorn oil well proven in the treatment of:

- inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract (used in the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer)
- gynecological diseases: cervical erosion, obesity, vaginitis, endotservitsitov.
- burns, radiation and ulcerative lesions, pressure sores, gastric ulcers, esophageal cancer radiation.
- chronic respiratory diseases: pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis.
- ulcers of the cornea.
- pathological processes of the rectum.
- inflammatory diseases of the gums and periodontal disease.
- atherosclerosis.
- flake and tinea versicolor and neurodermatitis.
- for the rapid healing of wounds, abrasions and other skin lesions. At the same time, a characteristic feature of sea buckthorn oil is a high quality of healing - the lack of on-site destruction of any scars.
- to restore the skin after sun and radiation burns, accelerate the formation of tissues.
- anti-wrinkle, with freckles and age spots, with acne, dermatitis and skin fissures.
- improves eyesight.
- prevents the formation of blood clots.

Hemp oil

Izdrevne hemp seed was used as a nutritious and wholesome food (in the Slavic tradition - hemp cakes).

Also, the ancient Slavic peoples were prepared and eaten tasty and very popular in those days hemp oil, which has a lot of, almost forgotten today, very useful properties. This oil is an excellent alternative to olive, walnut and butter.
It is used as a high-quality oil for salads and other cold vegetable dishes, successfully used for roasting on the grill, frying in a pan, in marinades and sauces.

According to the chemical composition of hemp oil closest to the linseed oil, but unlike him, this tasty oil has a delicate nutty spicy flavor.

Hemp oil, along with linseed oil, green leafy vegetables, and fish oil is one of the few food products containing the necessary our body an inactive form of the polyunsaturated fatty acids - OMEGA-3.

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