What am I doing to the greens in the refrigerator was fresh for a month. My life hacking


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I have in the fridge is always fresh greens, as if just from the garden. Although actually I bought it a few weeks ago. I told him how I retain freshness for so long.

First I want to say that I have been using this method for the dill, parsley and green onions. On the other herbs I have not tried, but I think that the method works equally well with any greens.

So, once brought home dill and parsley, washed in cold water and a few shakes.

Put green in a glass of water. Water should be at the bottom a little bit, about 1-1.5 cm, do not need much to pour. At the same time we look, all branches can reach the water. The result was like a bouquet in a vase :))

Many people make the mistake and just as in a glass of water sent to the greens in the refrigerator. She still wither.

To avoid this, on top of the greens have to put on a very ordinary plastic bag. Put on not tight, the package must not press down branches from the bottom to tie it is not necessary, it should be free.

Periodically replace the water with fresh, you can just add, if it comes to an end. As such, the greens will stay fresh about a few weeks, a month will stand exactly.

There is another way to keep the greens: it is necessary to also wash, cut and put in a glass jar. Close the lid. Such greens too long does not fade and does not deteriorate, but not to stand for a month since sliced. But hold on a couple of weeks for sure.

Write in the comments, how do you keep the greens? Maybe there are other ways?

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