Sauerkraut in brine


cabbage harvest this year was a success in almost all! And who does not love to eat pickled cabbage in winter.
Each finished is a miracle in its own way, and I tried fifty recipes stop there!

Willing to forgive, it turns out tasty, quickly eaten!

Recipe How to make sour cabbage in brine


Cabbage (small) - 1 forks
carrot (large) - 2 pcs.
water - 2L
G - 3 tbsp. l.
sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
spices (to taste)


Slice cabbage - like love. Very thin and small or larger.

Rub on a coarse grater carrots.

All mix, grind hands and tamped, put in a glass jar.

Bank to put in a deep bowl.

To 2 L of brine boil. water 3 tbsp. l. salt. Let cool.

Fill cabbage cooled down with brine to the brine was poured through the spout.

Bank should be open to 2 days.

From time to time a long, sharp knife to the bottom of the cabbage should be cut through - to release air. Or use a clean stick.

If you do not, cabbage will taste bitter.

On the third day of the brine merge: pull on jar specials. cover with holes (for preservation) and poured into a bowl of brine.

Holes can be cut with a knife in a conventional a nylon cover. Conveniently.
The fusion thus brine puts sugar - 2 tbsp.. L, it quickly dissolves - and pour the cabbage again, already with sugar brine.

Close the jar lid and remove a day in the refrigerator.
Delicious, juicy, firm, crisp, Vitamin cabbage is ready.

It can eat, watering vegetable oil, it can be cut in onion bulb, can be placed in an infinite number of snacks, salads, salad dressings.
She -Excellent basis for fillings in pies, dumplings and dumplings.

Delicious pickle - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It's very useful to drink to all who have problems with the digestive tract and the skin-hair.

This is the base - the main simplest way.

To taste before pouring brine can add mustard seeds, coriander, cumin, dill, chili slices, apple slices, berries viburnum, mountain ash, red or black currant.

I tried to add Dried basil, mint, rosemary, bay leaf.
But the basic recipe - the most favorite.
I cook just 2-3 jars and store in refrigerator.

Bon Appetit!

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