Clean the intestines and grow thin! Wow, really?! How to help digestion and feel better later in the article.
The intestines can accumulate up to 15 kilograms of toxins and waste!
Here's how to get rid of them.
Our body - is a very complex "mechanism" in which every day there is a set of processes.
Each of these interrelated processes with others and if it is broken or interrupted, it causes problems with the work of other organs and is injurious to health in general.
The intestine is a major part of our digestive system. He is responsible for the processing of food, as well as the removal of waste products from our body.
Health and performance of our body depends on the proper digestion. Therefore, the purification of the body must be given special attention.
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It appears, in our gut can accumulate up to 15 kg of wastes and mucus. It impedes our intestines to perform their functions, as well as to absorb nutrients and nutrients.
By the way, it has been proven that an excess of toxins and waste in the intestine directly affects the health of our body, causing the development of a host of health problems.
Fortunately, these problems can be eliminated by a simple and natural way!
For deep bowel cleansing, you need:
- During the first week of fasting to eat 1 tbsp. l. flax flour with 100 ml of yogurt.
- On the second week, you need to take 2 Art. l. flax flour with 100 ml of yogurt.
- Third week, take 3 tbsp. l. flax meal mixed with 150 ml of yogurt.
Thus, in less than a month, your intestines will be completely healthy.
By the way, it is very important during this cleansing every day to drink at least 2 liters of water a day!
Carry out this cleaning every year and your gut is always clean and healthy!
Important! Before you apply any folk remedy, be sure to consult with your doctor!
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