Nutritionist named the most important product for the brain


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As it turned out, the most important product for the performance of our brain is ordinary clean water. This is the conclusion of an authoritative physician, a member of the Russian National Society of Nutritionists, Lyudmila Denisenko.

The nutritionist recalled that the human body is almost 80% water. The brain is 90%.

It is for this reason that the lack of water, first of all, “hits” the functions and state of the brain.

In addition, healthy blood vessels are also important. After all, it is they who are responsible for the normal blood supply to this organ. Cerebral circulation is promoted by:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids. They are found in nuts, flaxseed and other vegetable oils, and oily fish.
Most Omega-3s are found in salmon and trout
Most Omega-3s are found in salmon and trout
  • Vitamin C. There is a lot of it in citrus fruits, red peppers, currants, apples, parsley.

In addition, minerals are also important, especially zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine. They can be found in most fruits and vegetables. The doctor also noted the importance of B vitamins, since they accelerate the conduction of nerve endings, improve the supply of oxygen to the brain. It is found in cereals, yeast, beef offal, milk, legumes.

Nerve cells - repairable

Lyudmila Denisenko refuted the erroneous and very popular opinion that nerve cells cannot be restored. According to the doctor, this is possible, but essential amino acids, in particular leucine and tryptophan, are urgently needed to renew brain cells. They are found in large quantities in greens, nuts and meats.

But nutrition isn't the only thing our brains need.

Important recommendations:

  • Don't forget to exercise. Sports and neurons in our brain are connected. Any physical exercise, even a simple walk around the city on foot, saturates the brain with oxygen.
  • Study, read, trying to keep the brain awake. This will not only help nerve cells regenerate faster, but also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
Reading is an easy way to repair lost nerve cells. (Photo:
Reading is an easy way to repair lost nerve cells. (Photo:
  • Meditate. The benefits of meditation are a proven fact, because with it you can learn how to manage stress, it also helps to develop cognitive abilities.

And most importantly, don't forget to drink water. And preferably not from the tap, but filtered, bottled, where there are no harmful compounds and dangerous chlorine.

Have you forgotten to drink a glass of water in the morning to start all the processes and mechanisms in your body?

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