Bad smell from a person? Diet may be to blame


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Scientists say our diet greatly affects the way we smell. We have compiled a list of foods that negatively affect our body odors. Reduce the amount to always smell good.


As it turns out, eating tomatoes can cause body odor. This is due to the presence of carotenoids and terpenes in the composition.

Recent studies have shown that the more tomatoes in the diet (in any form), the sharper the smell of sweat.


Fish is a source of vitamin A. But some foods also contain vitamin B4 (choline), which often causes a "fishy smell".

It is not uncommon for people who frequently consume fish with high amounts of choline to develop fishy odor syndrome. It can be cured by changing the diet.

In severe cases, the syndrome is treated with pills (Photo:
In severe cases, the syndrome is treated with pills (Photo:


Any cabbage is very rich in sulfur, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor emanating from the skin, as well as flatulence.

Because of this, you should not completely abandon the product, however, the amount of cabbage in the diet should be adjusted.

Fiber foods

Yes, these products are very useful. Bran, muesli are needed for the normal functioning of the digestive tract, since they contain a large amount of useful substances. However, eating too much fiber leads to the formation of gas.

To reduce the effects of fiber intake, you should drink as much water as possible.


Asparagus is a low-calorie product that is very popular among those who want to lose those extra pounds.

One of the main substances is asparagus, which is not only a natural antioxidant, but also a powerful aphrodisiac.

Unpleasant odor may occur after consuming this product (Photo:
Unpleasant odor may occur after consuming this product (Photo:

As a result, the smell of sweat changes, the urine becomes pungent, in addition, when asparagus is consumed, methanethiol gas is released, which is involved in the formation of intestinal gases.

Red meat

Red meat contains a lot of useful substances, trace elements - iron, creatine, phosphorus. The main disadvantage is that such a product is very slowly digested and absorbed. As a result, the meat stagnates, decomposes, which negatively affects the "aroma" of a person.


The main problem of alcohol is that it is not completely processed, as a result it begins to “walk” through the vessels and leaves the body in the form of fumes. In addition, the body converts alcohol into acetic acid - and it is released through the pores of the skin.

Tea and coffee

Coffee with tea increases the level of acidity in the stomach, leads to dryness of the oral cavity, as a result there is a rapid multiplication of harmful microflora, which provokes the appearance of an unpleasant smell.

Sweating increases after a cup of coffee. (Photo:
Sweating increases after a cup of coffee. (Photo:

In addition, these drinks stimulate the central nervous system and increase sweating. To avoid such problems, it is best to drink herbal drinks or green tea.

Radish and radish

These are root vegetables with a sharp taste, which are widely used in folk medicine.

But it is worth remembering - radish with radish greatly affect the odors of a person, especially from the oral cavity. So, after eaten salad, an unpleasant amber can persist for another 2-3 hours.


Spices such as curry, cumin and cumin affect the body's natural cooling processes. The listed seasonings affect the release from the pores, which is why the smell may appear for another 3-4 days.

Eating a lot of spices can change body odor. (Photo:
Eating a lot of spices can change body odor. (Photo:

If you are so fond of spices, you should choose less "aggressive". Cardamom and grated ginger work well.


After a smoked cigarette, the smell disappears very quickly. However, the same cannot be said for the smoke that has entered the body.

Nicotine and other components, penetrating into the bloodstream upon inhalation of smoke, change the aroma of the skin, worsen the odor from the oral cavity. In addition, cigarettes alter physiological processes, as a result, smokers sweat more than non-smokers.

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